5 core digital marketing trend predictions for businesses in 2017

Stronger Content
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2016

As we drift towards the end of 2016, we’ve already seen a substantial change in digital marketing . To help you plan for 2017, we have put together a list of 5 digital marketing trend predictions that we feel will be commonplace in digital marketing throughout 2017.

Live video streaming will see rapid growth

It’s safe to say that live video streaming has seen rapid growth throughout 2016 which has made it much simpler for consumers to engage and interact with brands.

Furthermore, the use of live video streaming has been driven forward with video streaming apps such as Periscope and Facebook Live which has enabled real time streaming to help users to push out their messages across social media and even to promote their streaming videos before they come out!

This trend is likely to continue throughout 2017 given that it is widely estimated that online video will account for over 80% of all internet traffic by 2019. It’s difficult to argue with this and the fact that more and more people are likely to become engrossed in video simulation and crave more live video content.

Mobile will trump desktop

Without a shadow of doubt, 2016 has seen a greater shift towards mobile more so than previous years and continues to see sustained increases in traction.

This has been further stimulated by Google’s Mobilegeddon update back in 2015 and its recent announcement that it will be favouring sites with mobile friendly sites over those that are not.

With that said, it would be foolish to predict that mobile search and mobile optimisation won’t continue to dominate the digital marketing arena throughout 2017.

Augmented reality will continue to flourish

Not many people would have even considered that Pokemon Go would have achieved the success it did initially. Granted it did drop off towards the latter stages however has demonstrated to the digital marketing world that consumers are eager to feel more augmented reality related experiences and that there are plenty of potential wins here for marketers.

Don’t be surprised if you start seeing more AR related products hitting the marketing place throughout 2017.

Unique, specialised content will continue to be desirable

As digital marketers, we have been used to the idea that unique content is still ‘king’ in digital and this isn’t likely to change in 2017.

Being able to make your content stand out will still continue to be key as well as being able to ensure that your content fully engages with the readers you are targeting.

Social influencers will continue to be crucial assets

Being able to gain traction online used to be quite easy as you could build up your followings on both Twitter and Facebook. This has all changed, more and more social media channels have made it much harder for your unique content to get in front of your audience for free.

However, on the other hand bloggers/established influencers have been able to build up a community of loyal followers who are fully engaged with their content. Selecting the right people and you may be able to get to your content through to your target audience and thus help to drive success for your business.

Our Thoughts

With 2017, just round the corner now is the time to take note of what digital marketing trends are emerging from the above and how you can work these into your strategies for next year.

Do you need some digital marketing expertise to help you formulate your digital marketing strategy for next year?

Our dedicated team of digital marketing consultants are on hand to discuss your requirements at great length and work together with you to help drive success for your business. Contact us today or call us on 01392 424300.

FYI: This post was originally published on the Rokk Media blog.

