AI Job Loss? New Study Shows Generative AI Already Impacting Careers

Paul Dughi
Stronger Content
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly, bringing promises of increased efficiency and productivity. However, many fear these intelligent machines may displace human workers. A recent KPMG survey found that 58% of consumers believe generative AI is already significantly impacting their careers.

Generative AI refers to machine learning models that can generate new content, like text, images, and audio. Unlike analytical AI which focuses on parsing data, generative AI can create original media. This technology powers chatbots, automated customer support, targeted advertising, and more.

As CEO of one of the “Big Four” accounting firms, Paul Knopp has an inside look at how AI adoption is progressing. During a panel at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, he warned about impending workforce disruption. Though job loss has been minimal so far, Knopp believes the flexible labor market has only delayed the inevitable impacts.

Additional KPMG statistics reveal 65% of business leaders think generative AI will highly transform their organizations within 3–5 years.

With executives and consumers alike expressing concern, it’s clear intelligent automation will cause ripples across industries. This matches projections from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which estimates 60% of jobs worldwide may soon be exposed to AI.

A Wake-up Call

Knopp strikes an optimistic tone, arguing the economy has absorbed past technological shifts without net job loss over time. However, IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva cautions against complacency, urging proactive policies to maximize opportunities from AI advancement. She calls it a “wake-up call,” stating AI’s impacts will accumulate into a “tsunami” if left unchecked.

While mundane, repetitive tasks seem primed for replacement by algorithms and robots, the ultimate employment impacts remain uncertain. Past industrial revolutions rewove the labor market’s fabric over decades. Similarly, though AI may automate portions of 60% of jobs, new specialized roles could also emerge.

The consensus in Davos leans toward mass disruption rather than utopian job transformation. Without concrete policies to smooth the transition, AI risks exacerbating inequality worldwide. As machine learning continues progressing at breakneck speed, we may already be approaching the inflection point. Exactly what happens next depends on how governments, businesses, and society at large choose to respond.

H/T Fox Business

