Air Canada AI Chatbot Case: A Costly Tale for the AI Industry

Paul Dughi
Stronger Content
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2024


In a recent small claims court case that has attracted significant media attention, Air Canada found itself on the losing end of an AI-centered battle. A grieving passenger took their case to court due to the misleading advice provided by Air Canada’s AI-powered chatbot.

While the price Air Canada paid wasn’t significant (about $800), the implications of this case highlight a bigger concern at hand and extend far beyond the confines of the airline industry. The case serves as a stark reminder of the potential challenges businesses face amid the widespread adoption of AI technology.

The AI-related debacle, which saw Air Canada being ordered to pay damages and court fees to the passenger, highlights the inherent risks of relying solely on AI algorithms to interact with customers. The passenger sought information on bereavement fares and was misled by the chatbot’s inaccurate response, leading to a legal battle and reputational damage for the airline.

Key takeaways

  • This case sheds light on the fact that while AI holds immense promise in streamlining customer service, it is not without its flaws and limitations.
  • In research published on banking chatbots, CFPB found chatbots can help answer basic customer questions, but “their effectiveness…

