Grab customers attention and stay in their head.

Running Online Marketing
Stronger Content
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2017

Marketing is everywhere. Billboards, signs, flyers are all over the place, and when you’re on your phone, you can’t go long without anyone trying to sell you anything or opt-in to their email list or such. You see it all, you hear it all, you forget it all. How can you speak to someone in a way they will remember? How can you speak to someone in a way that they can relate to and want to share with others?

It all comes down to this; feelings. When you reach anyone through any sort of advertisement, you want to raise strong feelings/emotions in the person. Information is boring, feelings are what people remember.

But how can you speak on an emotional level, and then (most importantly) have them take action on it? This is what I will be covering in this blog.

There are many ways to make people feel, disrupt them, grab their attention and show something noticeable that they will remember. I will be covering a couple of these, and combined, they have a massive impact on the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Remember all those math formulae’s from school? Probably not. Perhaps some stuck because of massive repetition, or perhaps you were very intrigued and that’s why. Though for most people these informative things don’t speak to us. We like stories. Remember the story of red riding hood? Probably, and it wasn’t even taught to you to remember for a test.
People don’t remember facts, they remember stories — — tell stories. Email’s, single and bundled, Facebook posts, twitter and even with Snapchat and Instagram (you can do this image- or video-wise)(Visual content sticks way better than words) this all need to have a story.

Every post should have a clear Beginning, middle and ending. Start with a hook, a good headline which grabs attention, make the reader ponder, hey, what is this?
You can do this by asking questions, statements, slogans or anything eye-catching, a visual aid is very helpful. You should elicit strong emotions, preferably strong primal emotions like fear.
Let’s take a hairdresser advertisement for example. When you ask; “Would you trust this woman with your hair?” you speak tot the fear of getting your hair screwed up by a new hairdresser, which is a big concern for most woman and some men.
Then you make this advertisement link to a page with a photo of the hairdresser(s) (preferably smiling, this speaks tot the core and make us trust them) telling a little bit about them and their experience, top that off with some testimonials, some action photo’s of them cutting someone’s hair and some pictures of the inside and outside of the store, and the customer gets the feel that he knows the company.
The potential customer will have an inside look of what’s in store, she experiences the place as if she has already been there and people are talking positively about the place so it must be good.

To get them to the page to let them get to know your business, you need to optimize your chances of them clicking on your advertisement. I will add some practical copywriting tips here.

Use verbs, active language, get, take, click, make.
Make it always about the reader and not about your business. “Our music store is amazing! Come visit us now!” sounds great… for the owner of the business.
It does not speak to the customer, what is the customer getting out of this?
The customer only thinks about himself when deciding whether or not to visit your store. He’s not coming to make YOU feel good.
Look at that sentence again and think about how you would change it before you keep on reading….
Thought of something yet? Good. Let me show you a way we can make this look way more appealing to the customer and see if you were on the right track; Get competitive prices on quality instruments, come visit us now!
This is better because it shows them what they get, it speaks to them because we speak about something they care about (low prices and quality instruments) and of course topped off with a call to action.

Always make your writing simple and short. Try to use one or two syllable words.
Don’t speak about ‘residental property’s’, speak about ‘homes’, ‘land’ or ‘houses’.
Be as specific as possible, people don’t like to think. Don’t make it hard on your customer to let them know what great offers you have.
Be clear in directions, be clear in actions. Always end with a ‘call to action’.
You can make someone totally hyped about your product, but if you’re not clear about what the customer can do on how to get your specific product/service, then there are many other things on the internet or their mailbox to steal their attention away.
And last but definitely not least, I will leave you with a formula to follow to make your advertisement stand out;
“AIDA”. This stands for; Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
When you write advertisement in that order, you will intrigue the customer and show them a clear path to thicken your pocket.

Thanks for reading, oh and hey! Be relevant, trends are your friend.
When there is something happening locally or a big global event, be creative and make the most out of it. Marketing is ever-changing, especially online marketing. You always have to be on point, relevant, and up to date on the latest technology and trends in marketing and around that, because everything can be used in marketing. And marketing has to do with everything.

With that said, again, thank you for reading.

If you want a FREE ebook on how to master online business, go to:

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Now go out and conquer the internet!

