How to build it and make them come. Great products, great marketing, and the fundamental problem.

Great businesses are built around great products.

James Phillips King
Stronger Content
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2017


Just look at Google, they wouldn’t have had a chance at capturing the search market that they have today without being great at search.

But what makes a product great?

It all starts with the problem that the product solves.

With Google Search that problem was finding answers to questions in a vast, ever growing set of information. The key? Relevancy. A measure that existing search engines fell short of.

Google Search wasn’t the first search engine. Just like Facebook wasn’t the first social network. They succeeded because the solution that they provided was so much better than the competition.

So to build an awesome product, you need to have a relationship with your target audience and their problem. This relationship should play a fundamental role from product conception, through to marketing and iterative improvement.

What comes next? Customers.

And how do you get those? By capturing their attention and directing it at your awesome product!

That’s marketing. And just as all great products address a need of a specific group of people, your marketing should address that need too.

This is a common hurdle that businesses fall at time and time again. They get obsessed with their product and its features, so it comes as no surprise that a common approach to marketing involves obsessing over those features too.

But that doesn’t work well. It’s akin to screaming “buy this now!”.

So you need to take a step back to consider the origin of your product. You created it to solve a problem that a group of people have. It follows naturally that you need to build a relationship with that group of people, centred around their problem.

That’s where the plethora of marketing channels come into play. But you’ll notice that the underlying theme doesn’t change. Capture attention, build interest and desire, and then call to action.

In the digital age we have access to amazing tools that allow us to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships with our audiences than ever before. The proliferation of social media allows brands to connect one to one with customers and prospects. It also affords us the ability to build laser targeted, multi-step marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience as if they were one to one interactions.

This provides businesses with an amazing platform from which they can reach the specific audience who their solution was built to benefit. And despite all of the advancements in the tools available, the fundamentals of marketing stay the same.

Next time you’re working on solving a problem, whether that be building a product, marketing it or something entirely different, try taking our approach: break the problem down into its fundamental parts and solve those. You’ll develop an efficient solution, targeted at the core of the problem you started with.

At Zealous Digital we work with brands to tell their stories, building meaningful relationships with their audiences. This is achieved through digital marketing that has a strong focus on audiences and their problems.

If you’re a starting or growing a business, contact us today to arrange a short, friendly chat to learn about how we can help.

Are you looking for the fundamental problems in your business?

