How your business can use Instagram to grow online

Benjamin Jones
Stronger Content
Published in
5 min readMay 3, 2018

Over the past few years, Instagram has gone from a social media platform focused on young people to a social media marketing superpower.

Typically businesses owners, when they think about marketing on social media they think of Facebook ads and Twitter. In the past year, Instagram has become one of the best social media platforms for your business to be on. Boasting over 800 million users it’s a platform that’s here to stay. If you’re not taking advantage of that you’re leaving tons of business on the table.

Fortunately for you, Instagram isn’t as confusing as some business owners think and in this quick post, you’ll see some methods you can use today to start using Instagram to grow your business and get some fresh new leads every single month.

1.Post content on Instagram multiple times a day

When it comes to posting to Instagram you really have to look at your audience and learning about how many times a day works best for your brand. If you’re just starting out I would advise posting around 6 posts a day to really start getting some traction. Using a tool like Buffer is a great way to schedule posts and have them going out at a specific time of the day.

Instagram is a numbers game and although Instagram hasn’t confirmed this. It definitely does work out that posting more on your Instagram profile will increase your engagement and grow your following.
I try to leave a couple hours between each post just to give your other posts time to get some traction but If you’re wanting to grow your Instagram account pretty quickly then posting once every couple days isn’t going to cut it.

2. Take them behind the scenes at your business.

One massive thing I’ve realized about us human beings is we are very nosy. We love to be taken behind the scenes and see things that we wouldn’t normally see. Using Instagram to show how you run your business and how your business operates is a great way to give people insight into your company.

Especially with the Instagram stories feature it’s a great way to give people some background into what you’re up to. If you’re a landscape gardener then take them on the job with you. Show them how you did what you did and how you got to the end product of that new garden for your client.

People are curious and you’ll see much better results showing people how you work and what you do. It’s also a patience game with this one. The results won’t come straight away but with consistent work, you’ll start to see more interaction and engagement.

3. Take advantage of being a local business.

Having a local or small business puts you at an advantage to the rest because although Instagram has tons of users. The majority of small businesses still aren’t leveraging the mass amounts of attention on Instagram and not producing content on the platform. This is where you can use it to your advantage.

A survey done by American Express showed that only 2% of small businesses are actively using Instagram for business. If you can produce consistent quality content on a daily basis and show people your brand then the lack of competition is going to put you ahead much quicker.

Quick tip — Add the location to your Instagram photo. people in and around that area can find you when searching for that location. Great for small businesses that have a location.

4.Make sure you’re driving your social followers to your website.

It’s all good getting tons of engagement and impressions on your Instagram posts and your profile but if you’re not capturing those potential leads and getting them to your website or into a landing page then whats the marketing goal?

Make sure you have a link to your website in the Bio of your Instagram profile and you’re actively pushing people to go to your website.
I cant tell you how many more enquires we have had for radi8Digital just by pushing people to our website and then letting them request a quote that way.

So tip number 4 is a big one. Drive your social followers to your website. This means your website should be optimized for conversion and you should have a website that is going to keep them interested by producing great website content.

5. Leverage photo contests using Instagram.

Businesses can host photo contests using Instagram and use relevant hashtags to take and monitor photo submissions.

Another great one is getting your followers to like and tag 2 people in your photo. Not only does this give you awareness but Instagram sees you as a popular profile and will give you more love. Do a give away to get people interested and don’t make it super hard for them to enter. A simple contest is a great way to get Instagram followers to help you grow your brand on the platform.

Final Thoughts…

Instagram for us has been the number one platform for growth in our business and Its now even got to a point where its surpassed facebook.

Leveraging Instagram has never been easier and if you’re posting on a daily basis and the content is Valuable to your viewers and followers then you’ll see huge growth in your business. It’s not a quick thing that happens over a couple of days. We have been posting to Instagram for a year now and still growing but not quite there yet.

While you’re here and you got to the end give us a follow on Instagram @radi8digital And say Hi. If you want to read any of our blog posts with tips on how to grow your business then you can do so by going to our Blog page.
Thank you for reading

until next time.

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