If We’re Alice, TikTok is Wonderland

We need a little nonsense.

Christina Garnett
Stronger Content


Photo by Haley Lawrence on Unsplash

It seems that you can’t hear the news without getting sad. It’s either COVID-19, politics, death, or the latest celebrity getting canceled. It’s in a word — exhausting. We need an escape.

Just like Alice, in Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, we need a nonsensical place to call our own. A place where the rules don’t make sense (I see you TikTok algorithm), and everything is for a laugh. You are entertained. You are amused. And what would seem tone-deaf on another social media channel feels funny and refreshing when it’s looped in with Cardi B’s “Coronavirus” on repeat in the background. It doesn’t have to make sense. It just has to give you a positive break from what has become our new normal.

While other social media channels have become the source for news (Twitter), family connection (Facebook), and live interaction with friends and celebrities (everyone discovered Instagram Live around the same time apparently), TikTok stands as the short-form content hub. When the rest of us aren’t on Netflix and YouTube for longer content, it’s TikTok where we head to escape the mundane and tragic. TikTok will make us laugh even during a pandemic.

Unlike channels like Facebook and Instagram, where the aesthetic of choice is one of perfection, the…



Christina Garnett
Stronger Content

Fractional CCO and Advisor | Featured in The Startup, Better Marketing, and Digital Vault, and The Next Web