Last Chance to Switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or Lose Your Data

Paul Dughi
Stronger Content
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2024

If you haven’t already made the switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), you’re about out of time.

Google is set to retire Universal Analytics, its long-standing web analytics platform, ushering in a new digital analytics era with GA4.

The Countdown to July 1st

Time is of the essence as we approach July 1st, 2024 — the day Google will officially turn off Universal Analytics. This date is more than just a simple switch-off. It represents the final step in Google’s transition to GA4. For businesses and marketers, this deadline carries significant weight, as it marks the last opportunity to access and export historical data from Universal Analytics.

What’s at Stake?

Once July 1st passes, users will lose access to both the Universal Analytics interface and their historical data. This isn’t a temporary measure — all Universal Analytics data will be permanently deleted after this date. For businesses that have relied on this platform for years, this represents a potential loss of valuable insights and historical trends that have guided their strategies.

Preparing for the Transition

Given the gravity of the situation, you need to take action now. Here are the key steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Data Export: The most critical task is to export all historical data from Universal Analytics before July 1st. This will preserve your valuable insights and allow for future reference and analysis.
  • GA4 Setup: If you haven’t already, set up and configure a Google Analytics 4 property. This new platform will be your go-to for analytics moving forward.
  • Integration Updates: Migrate your Google Ads links and create new conversions based on GA4 events. This ensures continuity in your advertising and conversion tracking efforts.

Understanding GA4

Google Analytics 4 represents more than just an update — it’s a complete overhaul of Google’s analytics approach. Designed with privacy in mind, GA4 aims to be more adaptable to future changes in technology and regulations. However, it’s worth noting that the reception among search marketers has been mixed, with many expressing frustration with the new platform’s interface and functionality.

Key Features and Changes

As we bid farewell to Universal Analytics, it’s important to understand what’s changing:

  • Identification: Universal Analytics properties are recognizable by tracking codes starting with “UA-“.
  • Automatic Migration: Since March 2023, Google has been automatically creating GA4 properties for users to ease the transition.
  • Feature Deprecation: Several features, including real-time reports and certain advertising capabilities, have already been phased out in Universal Analytics.
  • Data Visibility: There will be no visibility of historical UA bidding, audience, or conversion data in GA4.
  • Integration Changes: Publisher and product integrations (e.g., UA audience lists, BigQuery exports, UA API requests) will become unavailable once Universal Analytics services cease.

The Clock Is Ticking

The sunset of Universal Analytics marks the end of an era in digital analytics. While the transition may pose challenges, it also presents an opportunity for businesses to embrace a more modern, privacy-focused analytics platform. By acting swiftly to preserve historical data and set up GA4 properties, organizations can ensure they’re well-positioned for the future of web analytics.

Remember, the clock is ticking. Don’t let valuable data slip away — take action now to secure your analytics future.

Hat tip:

AI assist: Claude

