Social Media Usage is Dropping

Paul Dughi
Stronger Content
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2018

Edison Research knows a thing or two about research. These are the same folks that do exit polling for national elections (as well as tabulate the national votes) for ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN. With a staff of 19,000 interviews, they conduct telephone, internet, and in-person interviews.

Here is what Edison’s latest research says when it comes to social media:

  • For the first time, social media use in down in the U.S. While still acknowledging that 77% of adults report using some social media, the number dropped from 80% in 2017.
  • Facebook usage dropped from 67% to 62% of those surveyed. It dropped even further for young folks. Among those age 12 to 34, usage dropped 16% over the last 12 months (from 79% to 67%). When your heaviest consumers drop precipitously, it may be time to worry.
  • Younger folks are heading to Snapchat and Instagram instead. Snapchat grew 10 points from 19% to 29% while Instagram grew from 18% to 22%.

You can read the full report here.

