15 Seth Godin Quotes to Inspire and Instruct You

Good enough’ stopped being good enough a long time ago. So why not be great? — Seth Godin

R. Dennis Brady
Stronger Down the Stretch
4 min readMay 3, 2023


drawing of a purple cow
image by https://pixabay.com/users/openclipart-vectors-30363/

You’d notice a purple cow gazing in a pasture and probably remark about it, wouldn’t you? Seth Godin is a prolific blogger and author of 24 books, including one of my favorites, Purple Cow. Godin argues that businesses need to do something remarkable to stand out in today's crowded marketplace.

You need to be a purple cow. Purple cows get noticed.

Godin has so much great advice for entrepreneurs, but he also has gold nuggets usable on a personal level. Let’s talk through a few.

Seth Godin Quotes

1 — “Good enough’ stopped being good enough a long time ago. So why not be great?”

Great requires more effort, commitment, and sacrifice. But being elite has its perks.

2 — “If you can’t state your position in eight words, you don’t have a position.”

This comment is probably directed toward marketers, but it’s equally valid for people. Doesn’t it get on your nerves when people beat around the bush?

3 — “You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it’s getting raised regardless.”

