How to Eat Healthy & Hydrate — My “Better Aging” Journey (Part 2)

How I Changed My Drinking and Eating Habits

Stronger Down the Stretch
5 min readMay 10, 2023


pretty pink flower
Photo by Tavin Dotson on Unsplash

We can age better, don’t you agree?

Last time I shared the reasons for beginning my better aging journey. I told you about a list of habits I’ve been changing and how delighted I was to see them all written down together. The list was rather long, so I broke them into bite-sized chunks for you. I hope and pray you enjoy reading about two of them here. As I have time, I will write more in-depth on individual line items to give more details.

I hope the list helps you age better.

How I hydrate to age better

Drink more water

Water is usually all I drink, all day long, every day. I also filter my water, including fluoride, and avoid bottled water because plastic can leach chemicals into the water. I used to only drink water with my vitamins, so this was a huge change for me.

Eliminate sodas

Recently I stopped drinking regular and diet sodas altogether. Diet Mountain Dew was my favorite — I loved it! It was my last hold out for healthy living. Sodas have too many processed and artificial sugars and chemicals- all bad for your body.

Use healthy sweeteners

I use Monk Fruit, Stevia, Erythritol, etc., to splurge on something besides water (like unsweetened tea or lemonade). I just don’t splurge very often. I drink fruit-flavored teas for hot tea, which don’t need anything added, or I may add honey for green tea. For coffee, I tried full cream with a pump or so of a flavored sugar-free sweetener, but I didn’t like it much, so I’ve pretty much given up coffee. I never drank it for the caffeine boost anyway, but I really enjoyed a hot drink on a relaxing morning. Oh well, it’s worth the sacrifice if I can age better.

How I eat to age better

Start Intermittent Fasting (IF)

IF I’d only learned about IF sooner! Intermittent fasting, which allows a much shorter window of time for eating, is a huge part of my life. This shorter window is essential to good health as insulin is released every time you eat — very bad! Snacking was wreaking havoc on my body!

So, I snack less and fill up on fiber and protein to prevent hangry pangs between meals. I’ll write future articles about this topic.

Eat healthy Keto

I try to eat in a healthy Keto style which means more vegetables, some meat, healthy fats, and berries. I avoid most sugars, high-carb fruits or starchy vegetables, breads, pasta, potatoes, etc. This was a significant change for me because I love bread. Instead, I eat low-carb bread and wraps, if any bread at all. Fortunately for bread lovers, a wide variety of flours and recipes are available now.

Healthy Keto has been a lifesaver. Too many carbs and sugars were destroying me. Check out Dr. Eric Berg on YouTube, who has helped me.

Juice veggies and fruits

I juice veggies like celery for full benefits (because I hate eating some of them!). Fruits are good to juice also. Buy organic for juicing, of course. Try to buy Organic as much as you can. Have you heard of the CLEAN and DIRTY Foods lists? Clean and dirty foods are related to how many pesticides are used. If I buy from the DIRTY list, I insist on choosing ORGANIC.

Eat more salads

I eat more salads with dark leafy greens in them, as well as: peppers, onions, pumpkin seeds, etc. And no croutons — this was so hard for me in the beginning.

Eat more cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and bok choy. These are rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, and they’re antioxidants. If you have difficulty with side effects like gas and bloating, try experimenting with a digestive enzyme.

Eat more fatty fish

Salmon is my favorite, but try trout, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, or herring. I also supplement with Omega-3 (fatty acids) Fish Oil capsules, but some people use Krill or Cod Liver Oil capsules. Fatty fish is critical for brain health, helps reduce anxiety, and is anti-inflammatory.

Inflammation in our bodies causes many health problems; it’s a huge topic. I had never even heard of this issue before last summer when I took a short course related to Alzheimer’s. What I learned was life-changing in how I view everything that affects my health now. So watch for more articles on inflammation.

Eat more other healthy fats

I eat healthy fats like avocados, quality dark chocolate (over 70% cocoa- the higher, the better), whole eggs, cheese, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and healthy nuts (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts). Fats are essential for energy and the proper functioning of our organs.

Eat seeds

I also eat more seeds, a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and many essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The most nutritious seeds include flaxseeds, chia, and pumpkin seeds. Incorporating a variety of healthy seeds into your diet can be incredibly beneficial as they are loaded with fiber and protein, both of which are key to promoting healthy weight loss.

Eat more fiber

I eat more fiber from whole plant foods like dark leafy greens, mushrooms, asparagus, brussel sprouts, and beans. I even add fresh kale to parfaits, and juice celery, etc. Fiber is excellent for healthy gut bacteria, helps relieve constipation, is anti-inflammatory, has a low glycemic index (won’t spike insulin), enables you to feel full longer, and so much more.

Snack better

I avoid processed snacks in bags and boxes. Real food is best — the items you find along the perimeter walls of your grocery store. And I’m careful not to eat too many items labeled as “sugar-free”; occasional treats are fine, though unsweetened or natural sweeteners are better because they don’t spike my insulin. As a result, I’ve learned to read food labels to make better decisions.

In closing

I truly believe we can age better and improve our overall health by making simple yet significant changes in our daily habits. Through my journey, I’ve discovered the importance of hydration, intermittent fasting, healthy eating, and avoiding processed snacks. I’ve also learned about the benefits of consuming healthy fats, fiber and incorporating a variety of seeds and cruciferous vegetables into my diet. It’s never too late to start taking care of ourselves, and I hope my journey has inspired you to make positive changes in your life. Remember, small steps lead to big results!

I’ll be back soon to discuss how I move and cook better. Be sure to subscribe by email so you don’t miss anything, and I’d appreciate a follow :)

Disclaimer: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.



Stronger Down the Stretch

Devoted Jesus lover, curious mind, healthy living enthusiast, veteran homeschool mom of three. Married to Medium writer R. Dennis Brady