The ultimate guide to joining NJ Forward 2021

How to get involved

NJ Forward 2021
Stronger. Fairer. Forward.
5 min readJul 9, 2021


We’ll get straight to the point — we need your help to win this election in November. Phil Murphy and Democrats up and down the ballot have made New Jersey one of the most progressive states in the nation. Among other accomplishments, Phil has signed landmark gun safety and equal pay legislation, created opportunities for economic growth, and led New Jersey out of the heartbreak and uncertainty of COVID-19.

Phil and the Lieutenant Governor, Sheila Oliver, have had our backs — now it’s time to make sure we have theirs. They can’t win reelection without a strong team, so we need every New Jerseyan who supports Phil, Sheila, and the whole Democratic team to step up and get involved now. The more voters we talk to, the more stories we share, the better chance we have to win in November. With your involvement — whether you can spare 30 minutes or an entire weekend, New Jersey will have a brighter future and keep moving forward.

So here’s how you can get involved — take your pick!

Volunteer to send texts

You’re probably already on your phone anyway, so why not sign up to send texts to voters in New Jersey? For many of us, old-school tactics of calling voters or knocking on doors can seem daunting. With texting, a lot of that anxiety is taken away! Plus, texting has proven to be one of the best ways to reach supporters. So help us make sure we’re reaching voters all across New Jersey and getting them engaged in this election.

To sign up for a textbanking shift today, CLICK HERE and join NJ Forward!

Join our Social Media Team

Do you talk a big content game? Now is the chance to show what you got and join our Social Media Team! You’ll have the opportunity to help amplify tweets, posts, videos, and blogs that uplift New Jersey values and the campaigns of Democrats up and down the ballot!

If you’d like to join our Social Media Team, CLICK HERE to sign up.

Follow the team on social media

Life is busy, we get that. Maybe right now you aren’t able to give up your time to make calls or send texts for Phil Murphy and New Jersey Dems, but there is still a way you can help out! Well, the easiest way is to follow the campaign for updates across all our social media accounts. Follow all of Team Murphy below!

Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Snapchat

Share your Story

Each of us has a unique story. We’re all motivated to make New Jersey stronger and fairer for different reasons. Maybe you want to fight for a more equitable New Jersey. Maybe you know that our future depends on tackling climate change at all levels of society. Maybe you know that education is central to ensuring New Jerseyans have access to all the opportunities that will help them succeed. We all have a personal story that highlights why we believe and fight for these policies — that’s what unites us together.

We need you to tell your story and share why you’re voting to reelect Phil Murphy and Dems up and down the ballot this year. Stories bring policies and issues to life — they showcase how Phil’s work as Governor impacts New Jerseyans’ lives every day.

Will you tell us your story today?

Knock on Doors & Make Calls

If you’re more old school and love to go canvassing and love making calls directly to voters, this option is for you! You’ll be connected with your neighborhood organizer who will make sure you have all the information you need. Need to find a canvass launch near you? Want to make calls to voters in your neighborhood? They can help!

To sign up for a shift on the phones or at the doors, follow this link! >>

Support our Campaign

Grassroots involvement comes in many forms, including donations! Join our email and SMS list today and stay up to date on everything from the campaign. Whatever you can give — $5 or $500 — you’ll be able to help us AND the New Jersey Democratic Party share our message and reach voters across the Garden State.

Click here to join our list >>

Tell your family and friends to get involved

It’s simple — Phil Murphy and Democrats across the state are working to make New Jersey stronger and fairer. Phil’s been exactly who he said he would be from day one, and he’s shown that he’s committed to making sure New Jersey works for everyone and doesn’t go back to the old way of doing things. We need to make sure that voters know Phil is in their corner and committed to their future. So we need every helping hand to share his message.

Tell your family and friends to get involved and join our team today! CLICK HERE to tweet or copy the message below to share on Facebook or other platforms!

I’m supporting @PhilMurphyNJ and the entire Democratic team this November. We have to keep New Jersey moving forward, and Democrats need every supporter to step up to the plate. Will you join me and get involved with Team @NJForward2021 today?

There you have it, folks! All the ways you can get involved to help reelected Phil Murphy and the entire New Jersey Democratic team. Your help is invaluable, and it means the world to Phil, Tammy, Sheila, and the entire team behind them. Each tweet, purchase, donation, conversation with a voter, whatever your involvement is matters and is making all the difference! Thank you!

Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee, 194–196 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608.



NJ Forward 2021
Stronger. Fairer. Forward.

Moving NJ forward, one community at a time. Want to help elect @PhilMurphyNJ and NJ Democrats down the ballot? Join us today: