Gov. Phil Murphy crushed it at the #NJGovDebate

Here are the moments you should take away:

We Are New Jersey
Stronger. Fairer. Forward.
3 min readOct 13, 2021



When COVID-19 hit, Phil Murphy stepped up to the plate. He acted quickly, listening to the science and data, and he has continued to make decisions that keep New Jerseyans safe and healthy. He’s helping our small businesses recover from the pandemic. He’s helped get shots in arms of over 5 million New Jerseyans, and he ensured frontline workers had the resources and PPE they needed during the worst of times.


Phil Murphy made it clear that New Jersey has the number one public school system in America because the Garden State has reinvested in education. From college affordability, funding our public schools, and making child care and pre-K more affordable, New Jersey students and educators will be better prepared for the future. It’s clear that after too many years of neglect, Phil Murphy is getting New Jersey schools back on track.

Phil said this about investing in education:

We inherited a complete and utter mess and you were there for six years before I was. So we made a $6.905 billion pension payment, the first one in 25 years. We funded public education after you all had underfunded it by 9.2 billion dollars, we are paying our bills. And by the way, every dime of the millionaire’s tax has gone into the middle class for tax relief, every dime. Every dime!


New Jersey is moving forward, not backward — and our diversity is our greatest strength. To build on our progress, it’s critical our leaders acknowledge the centuries of white privilege and slavery that has plagued our state and nation. While discussing our state’s rich diversity, Phil Murphy said:

“This is one New Jersey family. We have to accept that. We are a proud immigrant nation, and we are the immigrant state. We wear this as a badge of honor. We need to make sure we are taking care of not just some of us, but all of us.”

Climate / Clean Energy:

Phil made it clear that New Jersey is fully committed to investing in clean energy and combating climate change. New Jersey has an ambitious plan to reach 100% clean energy by focusing on offshore wind, electric vehicles, and regional partnerships that put clean energy strategies at the forefront of new industries and green jobs.


Here’s how Phil Murphy has made New Jersey more affordable: he’s put us on a path to a $15 minimum wage, made education more affordable and accessible, brought down health care costs, and ensured equal pay for equal work. He’s tackling affordability in every corner, not just in housing or taxes, and he has focused on the big picture, giving New Jerseyans the resources to thrive and succeed in a stronger and fairer Garden State.

Reproductive Rights:

Phil Murphy is committed to protecting reproductive health care. He restored funding to Planned Parenthood as one of his first acts in office, and he’s fighting tooth and nail to pass the Reproductive Free Act so that our right to choose is codified in law in New Jersey — not left up to a Trump-appointed conservative Supreme Court.

On reproductive rights, Phil Murphy said,

“Reproductive Freedom Act is essential, and by the way this isn’t decided by you or by me. This difficult step is made between a woman and her doctor. Period.”

This election is about moving forward. Phil Murphy has shown he is the leader who not only keeps his promises but also builds on them. Over the last four years, he’s shown that the steps we are taking now will prepare the Garden State for a stronger and fairer future. But the work isn’t done — we need Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver for another four years so they can continue what they started.

