The backbone of New Jersey

Endorsements from organized labor

We Are New Jersey
Stronger. Fairer. Forward.
6 min readSep 20, 2021


A Note from Phil

When I first ran for governor, we made a promise to build an economy that works for everyone. We’re a stronger state, from top to bottom, when we give everyone — not just those at the top — an opportunity to succeed.

We know that unions are the backbone of a strong and growing middle class. Over the past three-and-a-half years, we took New Jersey from a state that gave unscrupulous employers the upper hand to one that respects organized labor’s seat at the bargaining table and fights for dignity and fairness for every worker.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our friends in organized labor for their contributions toward building the Garden State — in every sense of the word. And while every endorsement means the world to us, earning support from those who keep New Jersey’s economy running is a special badge of honor.

Together, we will continue to make New Jersey a stronger and fairer state for all. Onward.

— Phil

Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver are deeply committed to moving New Jersey forward hand in hand with organized labor across the Garden State. Unions have been the foundation of New Jersey working families for over a century, and they are critical to helping workers secure good-paying jobs and a seat at the collective bargaining table.

Charles Wowkanech, President, New Jersey State AFL-CIO

“These leaders proved themselves during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. They acted quickly with legislation to protect first responders, health care professionals and essential workers who came in contact with the public daily. They revised unemployment compensation and other benefits to aid workers who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Cash grants and loans helped businesses survive and keep their workers employed. New Jersey’s government needs stability and continuity. We’re headed in the right direction. We need to build on the progressive laws these leaders enacted in the last 15 months to restore our economy and put everyone back to work. They will help us put this unprecedented crisis behind us once and for all.”

William T. Mullen, President, New Jersey State Building and Construction Trades Council

“Phil Murphy has been a strong advocate for the building trades and has always worked with our council to create new pathways into good building trades jobs and he has made a commitment to enforcing the Labor Laws here in New Jersey. His impressive professional and political careers demonstrate his strong ability to lead our state during these divisive times and successfully guide us through this terrible COVID-19 pandemic. All of our endorsed candidates have stood with us on matters of vital importance to our livelihoods and know the importance of setting aside fruitless political bickering and blind partisan agendas in pursuit of the common good. It’s now our obligation to stand with them as they seek election in November.”

Eddie Donnelly, President, New Jersey State Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association (FMBA)

“Our union has tried to work with every governor that has served during our 125 year history. None have, through both words and actions, shown their willingness to put politics aside to protect the safety of our members and the communities we serve more than Governor Murphy.”

Samantha Skubbina, Member, Construction and General Laborers’ Local 172, LiUNA! New Jersey

“I’m proud to endorse Governor Murphy for reelection because he supports our work and he’s kept us working through a time not many have navigated. Governor Murphy had my back when the world was shut down; he made me an essential worker and kept me employed.

The type of work we do stems from heavy highway work — controlling traffic in our work areas, paving roads, finishing concrete, clearing drainage, just keeping the world moving. Governor Murphy is the best decision for infrastructure and moving forward for union work. He has our back — hopefully for the next four years.”

Elfrieda Johnson, President, New Jersey Nurses Economic Security Organization (JNESO) District 1

“It’s been a little more than eighteen months since New Jersey reported its first case of COVID-19, and in that time our members have faced life and death circumstances as we collectively navigated a once in a lifetime public health crisis. It is because of Governor Murphy’s committed leadership that we had the resources, information, and support to fight on the front lines of this.”

Wayne Blanchard, President, State Troopers Fraternal Association of NJ PAAC

“Whether it was a fair and level playing field at the bargaining table or supporting strong public safety legislation that has created a safer working environment for our members while balancing the rights of other stakeholders, Governor Murphy has hit the mark. We are forever grateful of Governor Murphy’s administration’s admiration of the hard work that men and women of the STFA do day in and day out, protecting the people of our great state.”

Nicholas Recchia, Member, Local 254 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

“Seeing and hearing Phil Murphy come to our school and talk about all these great ideas and everything he wants to help and bring to our program, I think he’s nothing but a better fit [for New Jersey]. He really gives us the faith to believe that we have somebody on our side.”

Sue, Elementary School Teacher, Member, New Jersey Education Association (NJEA)

“We are number one in the country as far as public schools are concerned, and a big part of that is not only because our members are awesome, but because Phil Murphy’s support has made all the difference in the world. His decision to run for reelection is incredibly wonderful, and I am very, very excited to be able to start campaigning for him.”

Read more from our teachers and education professionals.

Steve Tully, Executive Director, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

“Governor Murphy has proven himself to be a true advocate for labor. He understands the value of the services that AFSCME members provide to people all across the state every single day. The Governor respects public employees and has pledged to support AFSCME members and ensure that the rights of public employees will continue to be protected while he is in office. AFSCME looks forward to continuing to work alongside the Governor to continue building a stronger, fairer New Jersey.”

Steven Grossman, Member, Local 342 United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)

“He made sure we had what we needed. We had the transportation to get to where we had to be; he made sure we had the protective equipment that we needed; he made sure we had the sanitizer we needed and that we did the social distancing. He made sure that we were safe — and that our families were safe.

I know Governor Murphy is the right man for another four years. I’m very supportive of him, and I think he’s a great governor.”

Dennis Trainor, Vice President, Communications Workers of America (CWA) District 1

“I’ve negotiated with CEOs and Governors for more than forty years. As a CEO and as a boss, Phil Murphy is good, fair and works with us. And as a governor, Phil Murphy is great. He’s kept his word. And he’s accomplished more for working people in New Jersey in three years than anyone else in the country. CWA enthusiastically endorses Governor Murphy, and we’re going to work like heck to make sure he’s re-elected.”

Debbie White, President, Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE)

“From the early days of the COVID pandemic, Governor Murphy listened and responded to the science. He rapidly worked to develop a distribution plan for the PPE that would protect our frontline workers and made sure we were the first group to be vaccinated because he knew that healthcare workers were most exposed and at risk of contracting COVID.”

Read more from our frontline workers.

