A Democratized VPN Solution: The dVPN Deep Dive

4 min readMar 15, 2022


StrongNode Edge is proud to announce the release of our first product, dVPN, a decentralized Virtual Private Network (VPN) for our users. dVPN will allow users to earn SNE tokens as exit nodes (endpoints) and spend SNE tokens to get access to VPN services.

All users must sign up via StrongNode ID, which also includes a KYC check to discourage bad actors. dVPN is the first of many planned Web3 apps that will make up the StrongNode Edge ecosystem, and power the SNE token economy.

The Problem Facing Current VPN Implementations

VPNs have become an increasingly popular way to protect online privacy, as they allow users to connect to the internet through a remote server. This hides their IP address and encrypts their traffic, making it difficult for anyone to track their online activity. However, there are a number of problems with the current VPN implementations.

  • Firstly, most VPNs are centralized, meaning that the user’s data is stored on a single server. This makes it easy for governments and hackers to spy on or hack into the user’s data.
  • Secondly, most VPNs are not decentralized, meaning that there is a single point of failure. If the server is shut down or blocked, the user’s data is inaccessible.
  • Next, most VPNs are not transparent, meaning that the user does not know what data is being stored or where it is being stored.
  • Finally, most VPNs are not secure, as the data is not encrypted end-to-end. This means that it is vulnerable to being intercepted by hackers or governments.

All of these problems can be solved by using a decentralized VPN.

The Need to Democratize VPNs

VPNs provide a crucial service for online privacy and security, but their current form is too exclusive and expensive for many people. A more democratic VPN infrastructure would make this technology more accessible to everyone, regardless of their income or location.

There are a number of reasons why democratizing VPNs is important. For one, it would give people in repressive countries a way to access the open internet. VPNs can also help protect against online tracking and data collection, which is becoming an increasingly pressing issue in the age of big data.

Making VPNs more accessible would also help to combat the digital divide. According to a report from the UN Broadband Commission, only 43% of the world’s population has access to the internet. This leaves a large portion of the world’s population without the tools they need to participate in the digital economy.

A more democratic VPN infrastructure would help to close this digital divide by making this crucial technology more accessible to everyone. It would also help to protect people’s privacy and security online, which is becoming more and more important in today’s world.

dVPN — The Decentralized VPN Solution

dVPN is a decentralized VPN that solves the problems facing current VPN implementations. It is based on the blockchain and uses peer-to-peer networking to connect users. This means that there is no single point of failure and the user’s data is encrypted end-to-end. dVPN is also transparent, meaning that the user can see what data is being stored and where it is being stored. Finally, dVPN is secure, as the data is encrypted.

The Need for dVPN

The need for a decentralized VPN is becoming increasingly clear. With more and more of our lives moving online, the need for privacy and security has never been greater. Centralized VPNs are vulnerable to attack, and can be shut down or censored by governments or other powerful actors. dVPN will solve these problems by using a peer-to-peer network that is resistant to censorship and attack.

dVPN will also allow users to earn tokens by providing bandwidth and processing power to the network. This will create a new economy that rewards users for participating in the dVPN network. dVPN is the first step in creating a decentralized internet, and we are excited to release it

The StrongNode Edge will be made up of a variety of decentralized applications, or DApps, that run on the ChainLink platform. dVPN is the first step in creating a whole new ecosystem of Web3 apps that will make up the StrongNode Edge. These apps will utilize SNE tokens to power their economies and will be accessible to anybody

A Democratized VPN Infrastructure

We are democratizing VPN infrastructure by allowing users to earn SNE tokens by providing bandwidth and processing power to the network. This will create a new economy that rewards users for giving bandwidth to the dVPN network.

We are excited to see what the future holds for our platform, and we know that our users will love using dVPN to keep their data safe and secure. Thanks for being a part of the StrongNode Edge community!

About StrongNode Edge

StrongNode.io is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology company and innovation lab that powers companies globally through its next generation of edge networking by uniquely harvesting a trifecta of idle compute resources and leveraging new blockchain technologies. We are delivering an on-demand, secure, and scalable node technology that will fundamentally reshape the future of how increasingly valuable compute resources are accessed and monetized. We are pioneering a new paradigm in digital connectivity.

For more information, visit: https://strongnode.io/

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StrongNode.io is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology company and innovation lab. We are creating the future of digital connectivity.