Discover Safety in the StrongNode Way Through AnzenVPN and the Latest Development Updates

3 min readJan 24, 2023


Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology company CEO and Co-founder Daniel Saito is the featured guest in the recently concluded VC Coinlab AMA episode. The AMA session happened on 12 January 2023 at the VC Coinlab Telegram channel. Daniel answered questions from the group, from the Twitter audience, and from the live segment like StrongNode development updates, AnzenVPN updates, and more.

Here are some of the StrongNode x VC Coinlab AMA highlights:

Tell us about AnzenVPN. What is AnzenVPN?

Daniel Saito: As we have mentioned in the earlier question, AnzenVPN is our decentralized VPN solution and it’s a decentralized solution that’s running on OpenVPN 3.0.

Anzen is a term for “safety” in Japanese.

What we’re rolling out is the de facto aspect of just user privacy. One thing that we want to do is we want to break everyone free and be able to connect and be wherever they want, however they want through anyone in that sense who’s participating in the StrongNode network.

For AnzenVPN, we will be opening up early Alpha access around a January timeframe where we actually will be onboarding early users, investors, and the community members to help out and debug the solution. We will have a signup button for early access ready in the coming days so please stay tuned for that.

Bear cycle. In a bear run where most of the projects fail and sometimes gone into oblivion, how will your project stand the test of times? What strategies do the project employ to mitigate possible losses?

Daniel Saito: The macro trends of the overall crypto market and world events have affected everyone in the crypto space, from Bitcoin in general to a lot of the altcoins. It’s a cycle and it’s not our first market cycle in that sense. We’ve experienced a bull run. Now, we’re in a bear market and these cycles do happen.

Right now, I don’t see this bear cycle kind of lifting anytime soon with the current market conditions whether it’s war or whether it is the economy or inflation or recession happening. I think 2023 is promising, but at the same time, I’d say the first two quarters would look rather bleak in the market because we’re trying to find the floor price of Bitcoin.

During bear markets, we develop and we’re developing behind the scenes. With that, we’re downsizing a lot of stuff here to make sure we can rough it out in this market. Please invest wisely and responsibly and hopefully we all make it through this bear market.




StrongNode is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology company and innovation lab. We are creating the future of digital connectivity.