Discussing StrongNode as a Blockchain Solution to Real World Problems and Going Through this Bear Market Cycle

3 min readJan 17, 2023


Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology company StrongNode.io CEO and Co-founder Daniel Saito was the featured guest on the AMA episode with Crypto Detector. The AMA session happened on 27 October 2022 at the Crypto Detector Telegram group. Daniel answered questions from the group, from the Twitter audience, and from the live segment like future targets of StrongNode, development updates, and more.

Read some of the StrongNode x Crypto Detector AMA highlights below:

Blockchain and edge computing have an interesting interdependent relationship. How do Strongnode as a blockchain solution helps to solve some of the challenges of edge computing such as security flaws and malware infiltration?

Daniel Saito: Here at StrongNode, we are building the key infrastructure of Web 3.0 and we are committed to being leader in green edge-infrastructure.

We want to address by making PRIVACY and SECURITY a default setting from the get go. It will first take your network (as we need to know who is out there) and then establish a secure connection then we make that secure connection a exit node for other users on the network that want DATA from that region. (e.g., access netflix content from USA) We will also use QoS and manipulate the TCP stack to prioritize certain packets (e.g., low latency gaming)

According to what I’ve researched, StrongNode is OGLife’s first incubation project and gives consumers access to latent computing resources on the StrongNode Edge Network. Please explain the access details for this project. Does the StrongNode platform require us to register?

Daniel Saito: StrongNode and Original Gamer Life are both incubated projects under the TKYOLabs ecosystem.

As we have mentioned earlier, we are the infrastructure play and the technology that supports the OGLife platform, OGLife would be considered the presentation layer as it will be a metaverse for metaverses or a MULTI-METAVERSE platform.

Users will be able to complete daily tasks both in game and in the real world in order to earn both our native $OGL token, as well as $SNE tokens for chipping in your idle device resources on the OGLife platform.

The OGLife platform is still under development but you can catch the latest updates over the OGLife Telegram group at https://t.me/OGLifeOGL

For those who want to take the first step in joining us, just sign up here for StrongNodeID: https://id.strongnode.io/

I think you guys are doing very well! I just have a question related to the financial situation: Considering the bear market that has now lasted for some time, and might continue to do so for even longer; how is the StrongNode doing in terms of funding to be able to keep up the development of the product and introduce new partnerships for years to come?

Daniel: When the bear market hit, we decided to meet these challenges by tightening our operations. We laid off some employees that we hired during the bull run due to their high salary expectation (despite market conditions). After cleaning house, we started to staff with the best talent that was now available on the market and focusing on development. We saw opportunity where others saw adversity.

The bear market effects us all, and we need to properly gauge how long this winter season is going to be. Our team abide by the rule of the three C’s — Code / Create / Company. People that can code, create content, focus on company growth. Those are the ones that survived. I would rather get the best talent out there and show solidarity with my employees to get the job done.





StrongNode.io is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology company and innovation lab. We are creating the future of digital connectivity.