The benefits of regular exercise

Strove App
Strove Institute
3 min readApr 25, 2022


Physical activity is what we are made for. Our bodies are precisely evolved for movement and function. In times gone by, physical activity was an essential part of daily life for nomadic living, hunting and gathering. From the turn of the Axial Age, we have gradually automated food gathering to its current form: an app on your smartphone. Walking to the front door to collect the magically appearing parcel of food simply is not enough physical activity to promote good health.

Physical benefits

Regular exercise not only bodes well for your fitness but helps with a host of other health factors. Regular exercise plays an important role in weight control and helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels. In fact, regular exercise can add years to your life — see our dedicated article ‘Can moving more help you live longer?’ You can also use regular exercise as a constructive way to rid yourself of addictive behaviours, like smoking. All the while, strengthening your heart and reducing your chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

For many, starting an exercise routine can make you feel as if your muscles are on fire — the dreaded DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Luckily, through regular exercise, you can vastly improve your body’s response to muscle breakdown and regeneration meaning that your post-exercise muscle pain will be a thing of the past if you just persist long enough. This strengthening benefit is not limited to your muscles, even your bones will get stronger and healthier reducing the chance of injury and fractures.

Moving to the bedroom, it has been shown that regular exercise can significantly improve your energy levels while improving your quality of sleep. Regular exercise has even been shown to improve sexual performance and pleasure and increase sexual activity. In one interesting study, it was shown that postmenopausal women enjoy increased sexual desire and function through regular exercise, and in another, it was shown that men can drastically improve their erectile function and sexual performance.

Mental benefits

With regular exercise, you can expect an increase in your cognitive functioning. This will help you to make clearer judgements and decisions while improving your ability to learn and think. As exercise improves your physical image, you can expect an elevated level of self-confidence and improved self-image. While exercising, your body releases endorphins that can improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and improve your mental wellbeing. Regular exercise has been shown to grow the hippocampus, thus improving memory and brain function. Regular exercise can even reduce your risk of developing psychological conditions, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Top tips for maintaining an exercise routine

  • Be more active in everyday tasks. Walk instead of driving when you can or park further away from where you need to be. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Use your free time to be outward-bound instead of being eaten up by the couch.
  • Exercise can be boring, so gamify it! Strove allows you to compete against your colleagues in a range of activities. Post your activities on Strava and grow your following. This is a great way to socially exercise inside and outside of your circle.
  • Try a team sport or group exercise session. It is a wonderful social activity that improves your awareness and ability to work in a team.
  • Measure yourself. Keeping track of your progress, goals, achievements and performance is a wonderful way to maintain your enthusiasm and drive you forward.

The benefits of regular exercise are endless, what’s holding you back?

Rory Ware | Staff Writer

