The wellness dimensions

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Strove Institute


Many people associate ‘wellness’ with physical and mental health only. But there is a lot more to it. Wellness is about holistically integrating various dimensions that act as stepping stones on a path guiding you to live your life to the fullest. In fact, there are 8 interdependent wellness dimensions that you should consider:

  1. Achieve physical wellness through healthy habits like undergoing medical screening tests, exercising regularly, eating healthily, and getting sufficient sleep while avoiding less healthy ones like drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating unhealthily.
  2. Look after your intellectual wellness by participating in mentally stimulating activities, expressing creativity, and learning and sharing knowledge and skills.
  3. Work towards emotional wellness by acknowledging your feelings, values, and attitudes and those of others, promoting positivity, practising self-acceptance, and managing your emotions constructively.
  4. Achieve social wellness by supporting the wellbeing of your community and maintaining healthy and empathic relationships.
  5. Achieve spiritual wellness by participating in activities that align with your beliefs and values and help you find meaning in your existence. Activities like gratitude journaling and meditation contribute to your spiritual wellness.
  6. Vocational wellness relates to your satisfaction with your occupation. Get there by participating in activities that align with your skills and leave you feeling satisfied.
  7. Reach financial wellness by managing your finances responsibly and planning for short- and long-term financial goals while making provisions for sudden expenses. This includes acknowledging that others’ circumstances may differ from your own.
  8. Taking care of your environmental wellness involves safeguarding and respecting your surroundings, including your social environment (respecting others), your natural environment (disposing of things appropriately), and your built environment (using resources conservatively).

Harmonise the 8 wellness dimensions in a way that is balanced and best aligns with your authentic self. Remember, neglecting one dimension removes a stepping stone on your path to prosperity, making it difficult to reach wellness.

Wellness is more than health — it is living life to the fullest.

Gabriella Florence | Sports Scientist

