A Visionary’s Path: Daniel Yaron on Leading Gliding Deer Through Adversity and Innovation

Jason Malki
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2024

In an industry as dynamic as mobile gaming, the ability to adapt and innovate is crucial. At the helm of Gliding Deer, Daniel Yaron has not only steered the company to significant success with hits like Bingo Drive but has also navigated challenges that extend far beyond the gaming world. In this candid conversation with StrtupBoost, tech correspondent, Yaron shares his personal vision for the future of casual mobile games, reflects on Gliding Deer’s achievements, discusses the impact of recent global events on the gaming industry, and offers insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.

What motivated you to launch Gliding Deer?

I’ve always been passionate about gaming, not just as a form of entertainment but as a way to connect people. When I founded Gliding Deer, it was with the vision of creating high-quality games that could reach a global audience and bring them together in meaningful ways. The idea of building a community around our games, where players feel like they belong, was a strong motivator. I wanted to create something that would stand the test of time, both in terms of gameplay and the bonds it creates among players.

What excites you the most about what you’re building at Gliding Deer?

The most exciting aspect is seeing how our games positively impact our players. When we hear stories about how Bingo Drive has become a daily routine for someone or how it’s helped them stay connected with friends and family, that’s incredibly rewarding. I’m also excited about the potential of our upcoming games, like TripleZ, which are pushing the boundaries of what casual games can offer. The innovation and creativity within our team keep me energized and motivated every day.

You’ve built Gliding Deer into a significant player in the mobile gaming industry. Can you share your vision for the company and how it has shaped your journey so far?

When I founded Gliding Deer, my vision was simple: to create high-quality casual games that not only entertain but also connect people. Over the years, this vision has expanded. Today, Gliding Deer is more than just a game studio; it’s a community of passionate individuals who are committed to pushing the boundaries of what mobile games can offer. We’ve grown to over 50 employees, with two-thirds of our team working from our studio in Israel and the other third in Ukraine. Despite the challenges, especially with the ongoing conflicts, our team’s dedication has never wavered, and that’s something I’m incredibly proud of.

Speaking of challenges, the past few years have been particularly difficult for both Israel and Ukraine. How have these conflicts impacted Gliding Deer and the gaming industry as a whole?

The wars in Israel and Ukraine have undeniably affected us. On a personal level, it’s challenging to lead a company when your home is in turmoil. But the resilience of our team has been remarkable. In Israel, the situation has forced us to rethink our strategies, ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees while maintaining our productivity. Similarly, in Ukraine, the war has brought about disruptions, but our team there has shown incredible perseverance. The gaming industry, known for its rapid pace, has had to slow down, adapt, and find new ways to operate under these conditions. It’s a testament to the strength and unity of our community that we’ve managed not only to survive but to continue thriving.

What has been your biggest challenge in growing the business?

The biggest challenge has undoubtedly been navigating the uncertainties that come with operating in volatile regions like Israel and Ukraine. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our team members while maintaining business continuity has required a lot of resilience and adaptability. We’ve had to make tough decisions, but it’s been the dedication and commitment of our team that has allowed us to overcome these challenges and continue growing.

What are your future plans? Do you plan to release new games?

Absolutely. We have several exciting projects in the pipeline. Our focus is on scaling TripleZ, our next big puzzle game, and we’re also exploring new gameplay mechanics that will set our future games apart. We’re committed to expanding our portfolio and continuing to innovate in the casual gaming space. Our goal is to evolve from a single-game studio into a multi-game powerhouse by 2027, and we’re well on our way to achieving that.

You’ve mentioned community as a core element of your strategy. How do you envision this focus evolving in the coming years, especially in light of the current global challenges?

Community has always been at the heart of what we do. In times of crisis, the need for connection becomes even more pronounced. We’ve seen this with our players — they’re not just looking for games; they’re looking for spaces where they can connect with others, find comfort, and even escape, if only for a little while. As we move forward, I see our role as creating those spaces, not just within the games but around them, through social features, events, and community-driven content. Our goal is to ensure that Gliding Deer’s titles are not just games but vibrant communities where players feel they belong, regardless of what’s happening in the world around them.

If you had to share “words of wisdom” with a Founder who’s about to start their own startup, what would they be?

My advice would be to stay true to your vision but be flexible in your approach. The journey of building a startup is full of unexpected challenges, and adaptability is key. Surround yourself with a team that shares your passion and commitment, because no founder can do it alone. And most importantly, never lose sight of the value you’re creating for your users. Their needs should always be at the center of everything you do.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

I’m active on LinkedIn, where I share insights about the gaming industry and our journey at Gliding Deer. You can follow me there to stay updated on our latest projects and developments. I’m also on Twitter, where I engage with the gaming community and share thoughts on trends and innovations in the industry.

Daniel Yaron’s journey with Gliding Deer is a testament to the power of vision, resilience, and community. In an industry facing unprecedented challenges, Yaron and his team continue to innovate and thrive, proving that even in the most difficult times, there is room for growth and success. As Gliding Deer looks to the future, it does so with a commitment to creating not just games, but experiences that bring people together, offering a sense of connection and belonging in an ever-changing world.



Jason Malki

Jason Malki is the Founder & CEO of SuperWarm AI + StrtupBoost, a 30K+ member startup ecosystem + agency that helps across fundraising, marketing, and design.