From Dorm Room to Dominating the Finance and Tech World: A Deep Dive with Michael Mills, CEO of Infinitary Fund

Jason Malki
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2023

I had the pleasure of interviewing Michael E. Mills. The CEO and founding partner of Infinitary Fund, which originated in his dorm room at the University of Massachusetts. Infinitary Fund is a quantitative fund focused on S&P 500 equities, relying on a proprietary mathematical formula for success. Additionally, he is the founder and CEO of Infinitary Advisors, a SaaS consulting firm where he spearheads comprehensive competitive analyses for both startups and scaleups. A generalist at heart, he holds degrees in economics and political science. Beyond his entrepreneurial pursuits, he is an avid reader and a dedicated family man.

What motivated you to launch your startup?

Our mission is to meld finance with mathematics by exploiting foundational inefficiencies. We believe that the research and data analysis methods used by other funds are fundamentally flawed. Thus, our inaugural step was to devise a unique research process, which led to a distinctive data-analytics technique. A predominant issue in any data analytics-related industry is the scarcity of advanced analytical tools to achieve a competitive advantage. The rise and continuous evolution of AI validate our perspective. Furthermore, much of the current interest in pure mathematics emanates from entities like large tech corporations and the U.S. military, emphasizing the potential of this research. We aspire to rekindle public enthusiasm for mathematics, encouraging the exploration of abstract theories and their practical applications. Infinitary Fund, Infinitary Advisors, and Infinitary Research Institute (IRI) are our instruments to realize these ambitions.

What excites you about what you’re building?

The thrill lies in the fact that our enterprises address scalable inefficiencies in fiercely competitive sectors. For instance, with the fund, the possibilities presented by the Bridge Method and our ventures into foundational mathematics seem boundless. The research process we’ve crafted to tackle stock market inefficiencies is reproducible, expandable, and has proven effective. We offer more than just a financial instrument; we have a versatile data analytics method, the potential of which we’ve only begun to explore. The anticipation of the mathematical community’s response when we disseminate our findings in peer-reviewed forums is exhilarating. Reflecting on the global impact of our novel mathematical approaches and our company invigorates us.

With Infinitary Advisors, we are energized by our engagement with the cutting-edge facets of one of the most dynamic sectors. One potent strategy for a B2B SaaS company to enhance growth is to revisit and refine its monetization blueprint. Put simply, we harness our SaaS expertise to assist companies in optimizing this approach. This often entails an in-depth evaluation to discern a product’s inherent value, aligning it with appropriate pricing schemes. We gain insights into the nuances of innovation across various sectors in the B2B SaaS realm. Real-time observations reveal that innovation is sector-specific, molded by divergent consumer preferences.

At IRI, we are enthusiastic about pioneering a novel sector bridging financial mechanisms and mathematical think tanks to address formidable challenges. We posit that this business model can accelerate global mathematical progress through a collaborative methodology. Our vision is reminiscent of the ambiance of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) during the 1930s, an era dominated by PURE MATH, albeit with a concentrated focus on a singular issue. Imagine a scenario where the IAS was an intellectual property of Jim Simons’ Medallion Fund, concentrating on the world’s most perplexing mathematical conundrum. That’s our aspiration!

What challenges have you encountered in expanding your startup?

Our primary hurdle has been networking. Establishing a business is arduous with a restricted circle of contacts. Starting from scratch, it took considerable time to cultivate a network beneficial not just for us but also for our associates. We approach relationships with a giving mindset, always aiming to add value. Initially, our limited resources and connections hindered our ability to offer significant benefits to our acquaintances. However, our capacity to do so has dramatically improved as we’ve expanded.

What are your future aspirations for your startup?

Our immediate focus is on the research mechanism that underpins our brand. We are in the process of establishing a robust research engine with IRI. This will allow us to significantly capitalize on our research methodology and address longstanding mathematical conundrums. Although our findings will be publicized, innovations introduced in our fund and advisory will remain exclusive.

Our objective is to reignite public passion for mathematics by showcasing its prowess. Considering the recent advancements in AI, machine learning, and quantum computing, the world is future-oriented. Nonetheless, a considerable amount of foundational mathematical work is essential to harness the maximum potential of these domains. Current mathematical paradigms impose considerable computational constraints, affecting our capabilities. Hence, we are addressing the imminent challenges of AI, providing us with a competitive edge as we vie for partnerships in investments. We are dedicated to resolving these challenges, which is the focal point of our fund’s growth strategy.

If you could offer advice to an aspiring startup founder, what would it be?

I believe the essence of entrepreneurship lies in cultivating numerous impactful relationships as early as possible. Irrespective of your startup’s phase, proactive networking and outreach are paramount. While some connections might be immediately beneficial, others could prove advantageous later. The key advantage of this strategy is the diverse insights you gain and the extensive network you can lean on during various stages of your journey.

Mastering the art of selling is imperative, especially when seeking investments. Investors typically gauge a founder’s capability based on their proficiency in pitching their vision.

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This was very insightful. Thank you so much for joining us!



Jason Malki

Jason Malki is the Founder & CEO of SuperWarm AI + StrtupBoost, a 30K+ member startup ecosystem + agency that helps across fundraising, marketing, and design.