Revolutionizing Startup Recruitment: Insights from Tom Shields, Founder of Shields Group Search

Jason Malki
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2023

I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Shields, Executive Recruiter & Founder of Shields Group Search, a search firm specializing in supporting the hiring needs of early-stage startups.

A graduate of Union College and a proud New Yorker, Thomas has carved a niche in the executive search domain. As a seasoned recruiter, his efforts have predominantly focused on structuring the executive teams of emerging VC and PE-backed ventures. Before founding Shields Group Search, Thomas hired the founders of companies for a VC studio at the inception stage. He also worked in private equity recruiting, helping bolster growing operating companies with senior, commercially focused leadership. With his current dual roles as both an investor and advisor, Thomas offers personal insights into building an early-stage team.

What motivated you to launch Shields Group Search?

We launched Shields Group Search after identifying a distinct gap in the recruitment market. On one hand, traditional recruiting agencies primarily focus on entry to mid-level roles. While they are efficient and operate on a contingent model with no upfront fees, their approach tends to be transactional and short-term, often with multiple individuals working on a single role.

On the other hand, executive search firms, while adept at research-based hiring for top roles, often come with high retainer fees and can be less agile, potentially causing delays. Their approach, often seen as designed for established corporations, can be less approachable for early-stage VC and PE-backed companies.

Shields Group Search was established to bridge this gap. We specialize in hiring for mid-level to executive roles, combining the best of both worlds. Our clients benefit from our contingent model with no upfront fees, ensuring efficiency in our processes. Moreover, we provide a single point of contact for our clients, ensuring clarity and consistency. Our approach is research and data-driven, ensuring that we not only fill roles but also build lasting partnerships with our clients. Our motivation is to offer a unique solution that addresses the challenges faced by VC and PE-backed companies in their recruitment efforts.

What is it that excites you about what you’re building?

Whether it’s through a recruitment workshop I’m hosting, bringing on a company as a full-time client, or just networking, I love figuring out how a company can succeed through talent. That can mean bringing on a perfect co-founder to round out some needed skill sets or scaling an early-stage sales team.

The impact is most exciting. I love seeing a leader I placed drive enormous value in their company several months down the road. It’s a great feeling when you find that perfect fit for a company. The first 5–10 hires set the foundation for the next 100 so it’s important to get it right.

Additionally, I take pride in our technology-driven processes. As I envision the future, I am excited to deepen our commitment to AI and meaningful tech partnerships to work smart, not hard. Currently, we utilize AI to summarize recorded interviews & provide DEI insights on candidates in our pipeline. Our exclusive partnership with the job application platform, OneApply, also grants us access to hundreds of thousands of North American resumes and cutting-edge sourcing technology. The sky’s the limit when it comes to making our process more efficient and tech-driven.

What has been your biggest challenge when growing your business?

As with any startup, establishing trust in a competitive market has been our primary challenge. With numerous players in the recruitment field, standing out and communicating our unique value proposition required strategic positioning and persistent efforts.

We realize companies have a lot of options when it comes to their hiring needs. That’s why we’re committed to a contingent-based approach, delivering results before seeking compensation. We know our work, particularly our relentless commitment to selectivity of our candidates, speaks for itself.

What are your future plans for your business?

Deepening Partnerships with Incubators: More than just filling roles, we aspire to empower startups with the right recruitment knowledge. In collaboration with local incubators, we plan to host recruitment workshops tailored to their startup members. These workshops will address the process and best practices of early-stage recruitment.

Strengthening Our Presence in the NYC Startup Ecosystem: New York City’s vibrant startup scene is where innovation meets opportunity. We are committed to immersing ourselves even deeper within this community. This involves actively participating in pitch competitions, where we can identify budding enterprises with high potential and offer our expertise. Additionally, by attending and hosting networking events, we hope to foster connections and learn from fellow innovators.

Team Expansion: The success of Shields Group Search lies in its people. As our client base grows and our service offerings diversify, we are on the lookout for passionate, high-performing recruiters to join our ranks. We envision a team that shares our commitment to quality, agility, and innovation.

If you had to share, “words of wisdom,” with a Founder who’s about to start their own business, what would they be?

Choosing a Co-Founder is like Choosing a Life Partner: Selecting your co-founders and early team members should be approached with the same seriousness as a marriage. Evaluate long-term compatibility, aligned visions, and shared values. Recognize that the pioneers who help you lay the foundation (from 0–1) might possess different strengths than those you’ll need for the subsequent growth phases (from 1–2 and beyond). Strategically curate your team for each phase, ensuring you have the right mix of skills and mindsets at every stage.

Choose Strategic Partners Wisely: Beyond financial backing, seek out advisors and angel investors who can truly elevate your venture. Prioritize individuals with deep knowledge in your industry and a proven track record of building successful companies. Their insights and mentorship can be transformative, offering both direction and credibility to your budding enterprise.

Adopt a Continuous Learning Mentality: Embrace a mindset of perpetual growth and adaptability. Stay receptive to new ideas, industry shifts, and technological advances. Prioritize early and consistent customer feedback, as it’s a goldmine for refinement and innovation. Their insights will not only validate your offerings but can also illuminate paths for future evolution. Remember, in the dynamic world of startups, staying stagnant equates to moving backward.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

Firstly, I am incredibly grateful for the endorsement from Jason & the newsletter. We’re always excited to connect with founders and learn how we can support their hiring needs. Follow us on Linkedin at Shields Group Search. Please also reach out directly to for recruitment support. Let’s build your dream team!

This was very insightful. Thank you so much for joining us!



Jason Malki

Jason Malki is the Founder & CEO of SuperWarm AI + StrtupBoost, a 30K+ member startup ecosystem + agency that helps across fundraising, marketing, and design.