Transforming Talent Acquisition: Travis Lindemoen and the Future of Enjoy Mondays

Jason Malki
Published in
6 min readJun 28, 2024

I had the pleasure of interviewing Travis Lindemoen, the Founder of Enjoy Mondays, an early-stage startup. His team is swiping left on traditional job boards. Online dating exploded because of specialized matching on sites like Tinder and Bumble. Yet for finding jobs, we’re stuck with the 1990s equivalents. Job seekers slog through hundreds of irrelevant listings to maybe find one good fit. It burns them out fast.

Insert Enjoy Mondays. Their platform uses parameter-based matching to match marketing talent with their ideal jobs and eliminate wasted conversations on bad fits. Travis says it’s time to swipe left on antiquated, disengaging job boards and embrace the future of talent marketplaces.

Travis has also built and manages a multi-million-dollar tech recruiting agency (nexus IT group) with more than 18 years of recruitment and career consulting experience. Nexus IT group has been recognized as one of the “Best Young Companies to Work for” in America by Business Insider. Additionally, Staffing Industry Analysts has recognized Travis as a “Top Millennial in Staffing.”

Travis Lindemoen is the visionary founder of Enjoy Mondays (, an innovative startup that’s revolutionizing the job search process for marketing professionals. Drawing from his extensive 18+ years of experience in recruitment and career consulting, Travis identified a critical gap in the job market — the outdated and inefficient nature of traditional job boards.

Enjoy Mondays takes inspiration from the success of online dating platforms like Tinder and Bumble, applying their specialized matching algorithms to the job search process. The platform uses parameter-based matching to connect marketing talent with their ideal job opportunities, effectively eliminating wasted time and energy on poor fits.

Travis’s goal is to transform the job search experience from a tedious slog through hundreds of irrelevant listings into an engaging and efficient process. By allowing job seekers to “swipe left” on unsuitable positions, Enjoy Mondays aims to prevent burnout and frustration commonly associated with job hunting.

This innovative approach to talent marketplaces is built on Travis’s deep understanding of the recruitment industry. He has successfully built and managed Nexus IT group, a multi-million-dollar tech recruiting agency. Under his leadership, Nexus IT group has been recognized as one of the “Best Young Companies to Work for” in America by Business Insider.

Travis’s contributions to the staffing industry have not gone unnoticed. Staffing Industry Analysts has acknowledged him as a “Top Millennial in Staffing,” further cementing his reputation as a forward-thinking leader in the field.

With Enjoy Mondays, Travis is leveraging his expertise and industry insights to create a more enjoyable and effective job search experience for marketing professionals. By embracing the future of talent marketplaces, he’s working to make Mondays — and the entire job search process — something to look forward to rather than dread.

What motivated you to launch your startup?

There are several reasons behind my motivations to build Enjoy Mondays.

First, I recognized that while online dating had evolved with specialized matching algorithms, job searching was still stuck in outdated methods from the 1990s. I saw an opportunity to innovate in this space. I drew inspiration from the success of online dating platforms like Tinder and Bumble, seeing an opportunity to apply similar matching principles to job searching. Without the swiping, of course.

Second, I wanted to address job seeker frustrations that I would hear about every single day. I observed that job seekers were burning out quickly from slogging through hundreds of irrelevant job listings to find a good fit. I wanted to create a more efficient and engaging process.

Third, I wanted to find a niche and work to build a community. This allows for more specialized and effective matching compared to general job boards.

Lastly, and most importantly, I had a strong desire to transform the job search experience for both job seekers and employers. I aimed to make job hunting less tedious and more enjoyable, hence the name “Enjoy Mondays.” My goal was to eliminate wasted time and energy on poor job fits.

What is it that excites you about what you’re building?

There are several things that get me excited about Enjoy Mondays.

I want to revolutionize the job search process: I’m passionate about transforming the traditional hiring model into a more efficient and enjoyable experience for both job seekers and employers. Ever since I started in recruiting, I’ve been keen on removing the hassles associated with traditional hiring, such as manual job searches, multiple applications, and wasted interviews.

I’m enthusiastic about harnessing advanced technology to create smarter talent acquisition solutions. Using AI and machine learning helps employers save time, reduce candidate ghosting, and ultimately achieve higher acceptance rates.

I’m really excited about providing value to both job seekers and employers through a platform that addresses the needs of both parties simultaneously. This is rare. Usually, platforms only really focus on one side. I’m also committed to offering a platform that increases pay equity and reduces bias in the interview process.

What has been your biggest challenge when growing your startup?

At the beginning, we had a hard time developing accurate matching algorithms. Creating AI and machine learning algorithms that can effectively match job seekers with ideal employment opportunities is complex and requires continuous refinement.

Currently, our challenge is achieving critical mass: For a two-sided marketplace to be successful, it needs to attract both job seekers and employers in sufficient numbers. This can be particularly challenging in the early stages when the platform is still unknown to many marketing professionals. We have been growing organically at a great pace, gaining just over one thousand job seekers per week.

We are working hard to overcome user skepticism: Both job seekers and employers can be hesitant to adopt a new platform, especially one that relies heavily on algorithms for matching.

What are your future plans for your startup?

Several things:

We are actively working on free tools that will be continually released to help job seekers and employers. A job description generator and applicant tracking tool will be released soon. We are wanting to make our platform an eLearning platform for marketing professionals as well.

Right now, we are working on balancing automation with human touch. While AI can streamline processes, some aspects of recruitment will still require human intervention. Finding the right balance is crucial.

Lastly, we are working on reducing bias in AI algorithms: Ensuring that the AI-driven matching process doesn’t perpetuate existing biases in hiring is a significant challenge that requires ongoing attention.

If you had to share “words of wisdom” with a Founder who’s about to start their own startup, what would they be?

A few things:

Focus on solving a real problem: Ensure your startup addresses a genuine pain point in the market. At Enjoy Mondays, we recognized the inefficiencies in traditional job boards and aimed to create a more engaging and efficient job search process.

Embrace iteration and feedback: Be prepared to continuously refine your product or service based on user feedback. We’ve constantly evolved our platform to better meet the needs of both job seekers and employers.

Stay resilient: Challenges are inevitable in the startup journey. Remember that setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning. Persistence is key to overcoming obstacles.

Be patient with growth: Building a successful startup takes time. Focus on creating value and building a solid foundation rather than chasing rapid growth at the expense of quality.

Most importantly, and something I learned the hard way when building my first company, Nexus IT Group… Take care of yourself: Building a startup is demanding, but don’t neglect your physical and mental well-being. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term success and avoiding burnout.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

I’m most active on Linkedin

This was very insightful. Thank you so much for joining us!



Jason Malki

Jason Malki is the Founder & CEO of SuperWarm AI + StrtupBoost, a 30K+ member startup ecosystem + agency that helps across fundraising, marketing, and design.