Antler invests in DeFi Protocol, Struct Finance

Struct Finance
Struct Finance
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2021

We’re very happy to announce Antler as our partner on the journey to decentralize structured products on DeFi. Together, we will allow the ecosystem to customize and invest in decentralized structured products.

The new investment from Antler will be used to build out the team and to commence the development of our product suite.

About Struct Finance

Struct Finance offers users a way to customize interest rate instruments and compose them with options available in the ecosystem to construct superior financial products. Our platform opens up the number of investment choices available, enables varying protection levels, abstracts risk management and complex pricing away from its users while providing highly-competitive yields on various digital assets.

Struct is currently hiring for smart contract and full-stack development roles. Interested applicants can email their resumes and cover letters to

To learn more please visit the project’s website at or follow the project on

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About Antler

Founded in Singapore in 2017 by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and company builders, Antler is a global early-stage VC enabling and investing in the world’s most exceptional people. With offices across most major startup hubs globally, Antler is passionate about supporting exceptional people to fundamentally improve the world. Antler is on a mission to fundamentally improve the world by enabling and investing in the world’s most exceptional people building the defining companies of tomorrow.

Antler enables exceptional people to build impactful technology startups by helping form complementary co-founder teams, supporting teams with deep business model validation and providing a global platform for scaling startups to maximize their impact.



Struct Finance
Struct Finance

Building the next generation of financial products in DeFi