Everything You Need to Know About the Upcoming Struct Inscriptions Fair Launch

Struct Finance
Published in
5 min readFeb 21, 2024

In an era where digital assets are becoming increasingly central to our online experience, encompassing loyalty, identity, and more, Struct Finance is introducing a groundbreaking opportunity, merging the DeFi world with the Inscription world.

This article provides an in-depth overview of our Inscriptions Fair Launch on Friday 23rd of February, an event promising to democratize digital asset access and infuse the Avalanche (AVAX) ecosystem with fresh energy and innovation in the Inscription sector.

Here’s what you need to know on how to prepare to be part of this pivotal moment.

What are Inscriptions?

Before moving forward, it is important that everyone is aligned on the meaning of Inscriptions.

Inscriptions are a new class of digital assets originating on Bitcoin, initially known as “Ordinals.” Inscriptions attach metadata (arbitrary data or content) into the smallest money denomination of Bitcoin: a Satoshi.

They are more than just tokens: inscriptions represent ownership, rights, or participation in the digital realm, making them a foundational element of the future of Web3 community engagement.

This new primitive is now expanding to more chains and ecosystems.

Our Inscription launch marks an important milestone, as Struct Finance is the first protocol on AVAX to launch ASC-20 Inscriptions — or Avascriptions.

The Value of Struct Inscriptions

Contrary to normal Inscriptions, Struct Inscriptions are backed by a DeFi protocol.

As such, they fulfil a dual value proposition.

On the one hand, Struct Inscriptions are designed to lower the entry barrier to participating in digital asset ownership and the broader Web3 space by enabling users from anywhere in the world to mint them for merely the cost of gas.

With our fair launch, we aim to facilitate onboarding into web3 and foster an environment that focuses on equitable access rather than financial gatekeeping.

On the other hand, Struct will offer exclusive rewards for Inscription holders.

We want to stress that Inscriptions will play a key role within the Struct ecosystem. Participants can anticipate the immediate benefits of minting and long-term rewards, such as improved placement on the leaderboard (and more rewards) enhanced by ASC20 tokens and the potential for increased rankings and future rewards.

You might want to hold onto yours.

How to Mint Struct Inscriptions

Minting Struct Inscriptions is a straightforward yet manual process.

Inscriptions will be minted on Avascriptions, with which we have a strategic partnership.

Participants who wish to participate in the fair launch will need to acquire $AVAX tokens as the first step.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for the mint:

  • Before the Mint: Make sure you hold $AVAX in your wallet. The minting process involves clicking the ‘Mint’ button and confirming your transaction. Remember! Each mint is a separate manual transaction to ensure fairness and engagement from the community.
  • During the Mint: On the mint date, scheduled for the 23rd of February, Struct Finance will share a unique string on our Twitter account that users need to input on Avascription. This string is necessary to participate in the launch and mint. Make sure to have your notifications on!
  • After the Mint: Following the successful mint, participants can engage in a secondary market on Avascriptions, alongside potential listings on centralized and decentralized exchanges (CEXs and DEXs), further enhancing the liquidity and accessibility of Struct Inscriptions.

As mentioned above, the minting process will be manual. Users who want to mint several Inscriptions can automate the process through OKx.

Participants must copy and use this JSON string in the OKx Inscription platform to streamline their minting process and send a batch transaction.

Democratization and the Value of Community

At the heart of the Struct Inscriptions is the principle of democratization.

By making it possible for anyone, anywhere, to participate in the mint for just the cost of gas, Struct Finance is promoting a fair launch and onboarding a global audience into the web3 ecosystem.

This initiative aligns with the broader vision of making digital assets more accessible and fostering a strong, inclusive community.

The success of the Struct Inscription Mint hinges on community engagement and awareness. It relies on you.

By ensuring a high level of participation, we aim to create a robust market presence for Struct Inscriptions, facilitating easier listings on exchanges and generating buy pressure through widespread ownership.

This community experiment could showcase the power of collective action in the digital asset space and push the inscriptions sector forward.

The Struct Inscription Mint is more than just an opportunity to acquire new digital assets: it’s a catalyst for growth within the AVAX ecosystem and a boon for the Avalanche inscription sector.

One of the overarching goals of the Struct Inscription Mint is to bridge the gap between inscriptions and the DeFi community, thereby injecting liquidity into the inscription ecosystem and creating additional utility.

This initiative represents a step forward in integrating digital assets within DeFi, expanding their utility, and enhancing the overall ecosystem.

Final Remarks

The upcoming Struct Inscription Mint by Struct Finance is set to be a landmark event in the digital asset space, offering unprecedented access and opportunities to a global audience.

By participating, individuals get early access to a key piece of Struct Finance, and become part of a pioneering community experiment contributing to the growth of Inscriptions within AVAX.

Struct Inscriptions are bridging the gap between DeFi and Inscriptions, ushering in a new era of community engagement for DeFi protocols.

Mark your calendars for the 23rd, prepare your AVAX, and get ready to be part of this exciting journey into the future of digital ownership and community building.



Struct Finance

I simplify crypto. Follow me on Twitter: @francescoweb3