Are public clouds really safer than private data centers?

Tom Krazit
Structure Series
Published in
1 min readOct 20, 2015
Attendees check in at Structure 2014.

We’re a little less than one month away from Structure 2015! After laying out some key themes a couple of months ago, and expanding on one of them last month, the nice people at Fortune were kind enough to let me write a guest post for them on another one of our key topics: security.

Security is always a hot-button issue, and it’s a funny one in the cloud. Cloud computing skeptics have long raised security concerns about public clouds, but the real-world experience has been mostly the opposite: you’re at greater risk running your own datacenters. I explore a couple of these issues and highlight some key speakers in the post over at Fortune, so please check that out.

Structure 2015 will be held November 18th and 19th at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco. You can find more information here, and you can buy your tickets here.



Tom Krazit
Structure Series

Executive Editor, Structure. Tech industry observer. Opposed to the designated hitter.