Structure 2015: Check out the schedule

Tom Krazit
Structure Series
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2015

Six weeks after we kicked off this little adventure, we’re three months away from Structure 2015, and it’s time to share the schedule for the two-day event in San Francisco.

The Julia Morgan Ballroom

We’ve already announced several speakers for our cloud-computing event, such as Urs Hölzle of Google and Diane Bryant of Intel. But we’ve now got the full roster available for you to check out what’s going to be happening November 18th and 19th in the Julia Morgan Ballroom at the Merchants Exchange Building in downtown San Francisco.

In addition to the speakers and themes we’ve already announced, I’m looking forward to hearing from Joseph Sirosh of Microsoft, who will be interviewed by Derrick Harris on the always-fascinating subject of machine learning. I’m going to be talking to Raj Patel of Pinterest later that day about the unique challenges that Pinterest faces in maintaining site reliability and its cloud strategy, which Pinterest doesn’t often discuss in public. Florian Leibert, CEO of red-hot startup Mesosphere, will also appear on Day 1.

Day 2 should feature two very interesting talks from two very interesting founders: Mike Krieger, co-founder of Instagram, will talk about the engineering challenges of the five-year-old app (hard to believe it’s only been five years) and what he’s planning for over the next five years as part of Facebook. And Mark Shuttleworth, founder and chairman of Canonical, is scheduled to talk about how containers are changing the way companies think about cloud management, and the tools that can help make sense of it all.

The complete schedule is here. We’re really excited about how this is all coming together, and we can’t wait to see everybody back at Structure. You can find more information and purchase tickets here.



Tom Krazit
Structure Series

Executive Editor, Structure. Tech industry observer. Opposed to the designated hitter.