Opportunities are wasted

Every single day

Melanie Campbell
Struggling Forward
2 min readJul 18, 2018


“Blue sand falls in an hourglass on a rocky beach” by Aron on Unsplash

How many opportunities are squandered everyday by hesitating?

How often do we have ideas and then pause before calling ourselves idiots for thinking we could do something?

I ask this of myself because I am hesitating.

I’ve been throwing myself into writing short-form and I had what I thought was a good idea. Simple, easy to execute, and would be self-promoting without pushing sales. (I have nothing to sell, you see!)

I thought to myself, I could make stickers out of my most liked pieces! I jumped on the internet, did a quick search for sticker makers. Sticker Mule turns out to be very highly regarded and was my first choice.

And then it happened.

The Great Pause.

I’ve had the tab open on my computer for two days, and I have no excuses! Even Daniel Whalen gave his vote of support for the idea. So, what’s preventing me from getting the damn stickers?

It’s not even a big deal! Nothing bad will happen to me if I place this order.

But, I hesitated.

It’s that damn fear again.

It’s a funny thing, fear. It’s not rational to be afraid of buying stickers, yet here we are! Those mental patterns that have been reinforced for years and years, are super hard to break.

But, at the very least, I’m aware of my tendencies!

From that awareness, I can work to dismantle the foundations of the fear, and take action!

Which I just did! 🎊

So, I should be getting a bunch of stickers sometime next week!

I don’t pretend to have any sage wisdom. I’m just a human trying to do her best in this crazy world. The only thing I can offer is an old piece of advice, trademarked by Nike.

Just do it!

Thank you for reading! If you liked this, hit that CLAP button!

Those stickers are going to be in next week, but you can see what my material is on my instagram page @campbell_writes!



Melanie Campbell
Struggling Forward

Writer | Dog lover | Thought Catalog | Expert self-critic | Viva la Vida | IG: @meljcamp ❤