Meet the Stryking Team Part 3: Dirk Weyel

Stryking Entertainment
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2018

Founder & CEO, Stryking Entertainment GmbH

„Listen to your gut-feeling and trust it!“

Dirk Weyel knows the gaming industry by heart. With almost 20 years of experience, he has witnessed the shift of gaming from a niche market to the multi-billion dollar business it is today. His deep understanding of the gaming industry and his business acumen helped him to lead his company Frogster to success. With games like „Runes of Magic“, Frogster was able to excite millions of users. The company was listed at the Frankfurt stock exchange before being sold to a large competitor at immense profits.

Always the entrepreneur, Dirk has already set his eyes on a new project. With Strykings Football-Stars platform he wants to establish fantasy sports in Europe and Asia. After a successful implementation period, the time has come to expand.

When Dirk is not working, he likes to ski as often as possible, watch football, travel, eat good food and fool around with his kids.

Chat to Dirk and the rest of our team on Telegram: @STRYKZ Official



Stryking Entertainment
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Develops and operates the innovative platform Football-Stars, a thrilling and diversified gaming experience on web and mobile to soccer fans around the globe.