Stryking Advisors Part 4: Gaurang Torvekar

Stryking Entertainment
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2018

Co-Founder and CEO at Indorse: Decentralized Social Network for Professionals

Gaurang Torvekar

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background.

I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Indorse, a social network for professionals, completely on the blockchain. I have been working in the blockchain sphere for more than 2.5 years, and this is my second company in the space. I have applied Smart Contracts in various different areas, right from my own prenup on the blockchain to the issuing of Digital Diplomas on the blockchain.

When did you start getting active in the crypto/blockchain space?

I tried mining Bitcoin in 2011 without success on my personal laptop. But I kept a tab on the space and eventually when Ethereum came out, I started writing Smart Contracts in mid-2015. Subsequently, I have started two companies in the blockchain space — Attores and Indorse, concentrating on Blockchain in education and skills validation areas.

How did you get involved with Stryking and what is your advisory focus?

Through an introduction from Dusan, one of the investors in Stryking. Then I had a call with Dirk, met him and Hong in Singapore eventually, and hence I believe that the team is solid. I mainly advise on the ICO strategies and technology, since those are my core competencies, having conducted a successful ICO myself last year.

What is the number one reason why you like the STRYKZ token sale?

Already existing product, traction and a great, experienced team at the helm.

How do you see the future of the STRYKZ token in the next years?

Hard to predict about the price, but the utility is definitely there. The token will enable a lot of important and innovative use cases in the fantasy football industry.

Finally, the most important question: What is your favourite football club?

Chelsea — Keep the blue flag flying high!

Thanks Gaurang! Chat to Gaurang & the rest of our team on Telegram: STRYKZ Official



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