Our Ministries

Zac Chase
4 min readJun 3, 2019

In addition to the ministries described above in the sections on “How We Worship” and “Our Music,” St. Stephens supports a variety of ministries to enrich our congregation’s faith and support the surrounding community. Some examples include:

Agape Family Services — Working with this nonprofit organization, St. Stephen’s provides seasonal sheltering, including a meal, on Friday evenings at the church for homeless people in our community.

Coffee Cart — Church volunteers who provide refreshments in the Narthex during fellowship time after the 8 and 10 a.m. services, to facilitate meeting new people and connecting with other members.

Community Labyrinth — Walk. Cleanse. Illuminate. For thousands of years, all around the world, human beings have created and walked labyrinths. We designed and built our labyrinth for the local community. Members and the community are encouraged to release burdens and open themselves up to God’s illuminating presence in their lives.

Community Outreach — This team of caring people gathers information regarding the needs of our local community, our nation and the world, and then meets to discuss how St. Stephen’s can meet some of those needs. Our Outreach team has specified three primary areas of focus: Feeding and sheltering the homeless, promoting good physical and mental health, and supporting people who are LGBTQ. The team plans projects to assist others locally and throughout the nation and the world through partnership with efforts such as the O.U.R. Center and HOPE in Longmont, the United Thank Offering, and Colorado Haiti Project.

“Coop’s Troops” — A group of volunteers led by the current junior warden who help with general maintenance of building and grounds of St. Stephen’s.

Dinner Groups — With new small groups organized each year, this ministry strives to build closer relationships among church members. Each group of 8 to 10 members meets 4 times a year for dinner, with a different couple or individual hosting each dinner. Hosts may opt to invite additional non-member guests who may be interested in joining the congregation.

Episcopints — A social group, with the objective of discussing various topics of interest in religion and society while enjoying a meal together. The group generally meets once a month on the fourth Wednesday evening at a local restaurant.

Friends Without Walls — Co-founded by now-retired St. Stephen’s Deacon Marc Genty in 2008 as “Common Cathedral,” this is an outdoor, ecumenical service for members of the Longmont community — including but not limited to people experiencing homelessness. The service includes a reading and time for open discussion, followed by prayer requests and prayers, and is held every Friday evening at 6 p.m. year-round in a local park, regardless of weather conditions.

Greeters — Volunteers who greet new people at church door, invite them to sign guest book, invite them to stay for coffee.

Grocery Cards Ministry — Since everyone eats, everyone shops. Grocery cards are a means of adding 5% income to the operating budget of St. Stephen’s while shopping locally. Grocery cards can be bought at St. Stephen’s and used at King Sooper’s and Safeway to purchase groceries and to pay for gas at their affiliated gas stations.

Heavin’ Stephens — A church-based running club that meets after church on various Sundays for a 30- to 45-minute run/walk, followed by fellowship time while enjoying a beverage together.

Labyrinth Guild — Volunteers who support and maintain the labyrinth at St. Stephen’s, and coordinate various labyrinth events for the church and community.

Newcomers’ Committee — This group of parishioners makes contact with Sunday visitors and invites them to events and fellowship for newcomers who are interested in learning more about becoming a part of St. Stephen’s.

Publicity Committee — Volunteers update St. Stephen’s members and the surrounding community via the TV in the church narthex and on social media.

Sacred Garden & Columbarium — St. Stephen’s consecrated garden where the ashes of the deceased are buried. The garden also provides a pleasant place to meditate or pray, as well as visit in memory of those who rest there.

St. Cecilia’s Guild — This group meets for Christian fellowship and provides service to the church and community by hosting funeral receptions and church social events and by leading the cleaning of the church kitchen.

Gratitude Committee — A “steward” is a person who manages the affairs of a household or estate for its owner, and this group performs the same function for St. Stephen’s. Stewardship is more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission.

Witness Newsletter — Compiled and published both in paper format and online by church volunteers and the staff secretary, the newsletter provides information for members of St. Stephen’s and visitors to St. Stephen’s who would like to learn more about our services and activities.

Youth Group — a youth ministry that strives to build community, develop relationship with God, gain a greater understanding of the church, and have fun doing all of these things. Middle school and high school youth meet from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm two Sundays per month for lunch, games and Bible study.

Youth Scholarship Committee — A group of volunteers who evaluate and reward the annual St. Stephen’s Youth Scholarships. Provided through the generosity of a parish family, the scholarships are a one-time award of $3,000 per student, which may be awarded to as many as four graduating seniors of the church who have shown a dedication to service while attending the church and demonstrated success in their academic endeavors.

