The Friend of Friend Guide to Copenhagen

Jules @ Stubborn Travel
Stubborn Travel
Published in
9 min readDec 6, 2022


Copenhagen inspiration from one friend of a friend to another

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

I recently booked a weekend in Stockholm to visit some friends who’d moved there. To make the most of being in the area, I added a few days somewhere I heard people consistently rave about: Copenhagen.

▶️ Instagram Highlights
️️▶ Copenhagen Google Map
Visit Copenhagen Official Website

I put up a call for tips on my Instagram right before going and received so many wonderful tips that I felt I should make a guide linking it all together. The result is a combination of the top things recommended, with a bit of Stubborn Travel curation and personal favourites. I hope it can help as a quick planning aid to this delightful city, home to the happiest people on Earth.

A huge thank you to the awesome travellers and locals who contributed, especially Amalie, Courtenay, James, Nina and Caitlin.

Cheers! Being a tourist at the Mikkeller Baghaven

Stockholm Central to Copenhagen by train

As I was in Stockholm, I took the train from Stockholm Central to Copenhagen (Köbenhavn H) — the train station right next to Tivoli Gardens. The…



Jules @ Stubborn Travel
Stubborn Travel

Freelance copywriter based in London. I’m fascinated by travel, language, and philosophy. I value health and sustainability.