Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2017


HOUSING — Housing policy in Hungary : provision and ownership issues
With : József Hegedüs, Managing director, Metropolitan Research Institute

URBAN HISTORY — Ballade Quartier Juif
With : les étudiants en autonomie

URBAN HISTORY — Ballade Corvin Promenade
With : les étudiants en autonomie

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — Ballade avenue Andrassy
With : les étudiants en autonomie

TRANSPORTS & MOBILITIES — The role of BKK as an integrated mobility manager in strategic transport planning
With : András László Kőrizs, Innovation project manager, Strategy and Innovation at BKK

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT — L’immobilier commercial à Budapest: l’exemple d’Immochan — site de Soroksár
With : Philippe Beurtheret, Directeur Immochan Hongrie et Anikó BÉRES, Manager RSE et Communication Interne

GOVERNANCE — Decentralization and rural development in Hungary: local, regional and central power dealing with the urban/rural agenda 5
With : Andrew Cartwright, Research Fellow at and co-director of the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University.

HOUSING — Housing affordability in Hungary
With : Sara Svensson, Visiting Professor at the School of Public Policy, Central European University.


HOUSING — La sauvegarde du quartier juif: visite avec l’association ÓVÁS
With : Anna Perczel, Architecte et présidente de l’association

TRANSPORTS & MOBILITIES — International project experiences in the field of transport and mobility: MOVECIT and FLOW projects as case studies
With : Tamás Mátrai Department of Transport Technology and Economics Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest, Hungary

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT — Introduction of Horwath HTL Hungary — development support and branding solutions in the hotel industry
With : Attila Radvánszki, Senior Consultant, Horwath HTL Hungary

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — The URBACT Programme RE-Block — REviving high-rise Blocks for cohesive and green neighborhoods: the project Liveable-sustainable Havana
With : István Hunyadi city manager and project coordinator of the Re-Block project, Ágnes Böhönyey, Leading expert of the Re-Block prioject, Lilla Császár Bíró, Director of the Kondor Community Center, and Zsuzsa Heilauf, Director of the local museum.

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — L’opération SEM IX, un savoir-faire franco-hongrois: présentation et visite (B-IX)
With : László Bajnai directeur général société Városfejlesztés Zrt

GOVERNANCE — Governing Budapest in time: the construction of the municipal agenda
With : Dr. Péter Szegvári, Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Budapest


CONFERENCE — Les villes de demain sont-elles les villes intelligentes: conférence à l’Institut Français
With : Judith Rab, experte Smart Cities, Centre d’Etude Lechner, Carlos Moreno, expert international des « villes intelligentes », Dr. Tibor Kiss, Levente Polyák, sociologue, Centre d’Architecture Contemporaine, György AlföldiDépartement d’Urbanisme de l’Université des Sciences Technique et Économique de Budapest (BME), les étudiants du master STU avec Urbanistes du Monde.

HOUSING — Mobilizing against resettlement: A Város Mindenkié (La ville est à tous)
With : Zsuzsanna Posfai, doctorante et membre de A Város Mindenkié

GOVERNANCE — La situation migratoire en Hongrie
With : Céline Cantat, Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University

Réception à l’Ambassade de France à l’invitation de S.E. Eric Fournier


TRANSPORTS & MOBILITIES — The transport agenda in Budapest: the creation of the BKK agency in the European context
With : David Vitezy — Directeur du Musée des Transports et ancien directeur du BKK

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — Flooding management: governance of risks reduction by the General Directorate of Water Management
With : Dr. László Dobi, Senior Advisor, General Directorate of Water Management

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — TBC — Urban renewal in Budapest: Rév8 and the Magdolna project
With : Sandor jr Erdősi, Head of the research program of Rév8 (urban renewal company)

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — Les grands projets urbains: le complexe sportif de Dagaly
With : Domonkos Schneller, Strategic Director at Governmental Priority Investments Centre & M. Fodor, Project director

URBAN HISTORY — L’histoire urbaine de Budapest à travers son fleuve: le Danube comme trait d’union et territoire de projets?
With : Melinda Benko, Associate professor, Department of urban planning & design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Chaire d’Urbanisme.

PLANNING & URBAN PROJECT — Educational initiatives towards Roma integration: the experience of Uccu Alapitvany
With : Andrea JENEI

