A Lover’s Letter

You can never spare one in a relationship

Olivia Penero
Stuck For Now


I love him. I love every single thing about him.

The way his adorable, laugh caresses my ears, and how his arms and hands perfectly show off his masculinity.

I love how his charming crooked teeth does wonders to his smile, and the way his boyish voice entices me out of my small, comfortable shell.

His voice is like a perfect trio of toast, butter, and strawberry jam, slowly sending my body into sweet ecstasy.

Have you ever had that transcendent downpour of knowledge that when you meet someone for the first time, you are instantly certain that you’re going to love everything about him? It’s that gut feeling. It’s absolutely, definitely breathtaking. You single him out above the rest, putting him up on an unreachable pedestal.

You can’t help it! Your eyes suddenly acquire an autofocus feature with an optical zoom of 20x, and you are aware of everything he says and does. It’s inevitable.

You. Just. Love. Him. That. Much.

“Oh, hey! Morning!” He greets with that unmistakable endearing voice of his.

“Morning to you too!” You greet him back, your face quickly getting crimson in a period of 2.4 seconds — as fast as a Bugatti Veyron reaches 60kph on startup. Your inner girl reaches for the handkerchief and covers your mouth.

You don’t even notice the beautiful flowers in his presence.

You. Just. Love. Him. That. Much.

The way he talks. The way he moves. The way he walks, laughs, and smiles.

The way he innocently touches the wall to check if the paint is wet.

The way he pinches his nose when shy.

I love him.

He just gets to you.

Always keeps quiet when he knows there’s nothing good to say.

Always patient and never rash.

Never sees the good in biting back petty bullies.

So gentle.

So calm.

You love him.

Yes. You do. You should. Why shouldn’t you? He doesn’t help people for self-satisfaction. Doesn’t bite back even if you hit him below the belt. Looks out for everyone. Likes everyone. He respects every person’s personal space. Never gives a damn about those who hate him. He’s that person you want to push off a bridge so that you could catch him afterwards.

You love him. You know he doesn’t care, but it’s okay. It’s fine. He knows you love him, but doesn’t take advantage of it.

He just smiles and goes on with his life.

I see now. I love him because I don’t mind if he doesn’t care that I love him.

You realize there truly is nothing at all for you to hate,

In him, there’s a million other things for you to love.

