Struggling to cope with life on campus?

The BBC have reported a sharp rise in university students seeking counselling services. Marianne, a student at the University of Northampton, decided to share her experience of the support she receives from the University’s team:

“Having a mental illness isn’t easy, but dealing with it with the support of a mental health advisor makes it so much easier. It isn’t the easiest thing to ask for support as there is so much stigma around, but reaching out for help will be one of the best things you can do if you are struggling.

I’ve been using the mental health services here at the University of Northampton for almost a year and a half now, and I honestly don’t think I would have got by without having my mental health advisor there. Ever since day one she has helped me massively- not only is she an ear to listen, she liaises with my tutors, is involved with my NHS treatment and is generally everything I could ask for and more. I don’t believe I could have got through my first year of my degree without my mental health advisor, she was there every time I needed her and she provided me with endless support.

The mental health support here at the University of Northampton is amazing and students would not get by without it. Whether it’s a one off drop in session or regular support with a counsellor/mental health advisor, the University has a service that will support you.

I am lucky enough to see my mental health advisor once a fortnight during term time, and even through the summer break I see her now and then. Seeing my mental health advisor is always something I look forward to. It doesn’t matter how low I’m feeling, within a few minutes she always manages to put a smile on my face.

Personally I have borderline personality disorder along with depression and anxiety, and my illness affects me on a daily basis. My mental health advisor has been by my side through some of my worst times- when I’ve been sectioned and in a psychiatric unit and she’s also been there through my good times, like when I got my exam results. I’m glad to say that now I’m doing much better and I’m hopefully on the road to recovery, and I can say with confidence that I wouldn’t be where I am now without my mental health advisor. She has had a massive impact on me and I even have a wall in my bedroom with positive phrases she has said to me.

No matter what you’re dealing or struggling with, help is out there- you just have to reach out and talk to someone to access support. Remember, that things will get better. Life is tough but you just have to learn to take it day by day and have faith that everything is going to be okay.”

If you are a student at the University of Northampton you can find out more about our student support services here.



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