How Much Homework is too Much

Heather Halverson
student lives
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2019

There is a point when kids get too much homework and that can lead to staying up too late or other more serious problems. Homework has been a serious part of education since children started to be educated. Recently however, homework has begun to be assigned more and more often to students. Homework is anything assigned by teachers to be completed by the students either at home or just on their own time. The workload for students has gotten to the point where more and more parents are starting to notice the load for their kids has gotten to be too much. Many kids in high school, even 9th and 10th graders, can have 3 or even 4 hours of homework every night. Students are bombarded with hours of homework every night and it interferes with their lives. They are tired of staying up late at night to finish their homework or a paper that is due the next day. In the past couple of years, homework has gotten so out of control that parents are starting to speak out and protest the amount of homework that students get each night. On this note, I've decided to write about it and give my opinion. I believe we are sometimes getting too much homework and its hard to keep up. In addition, studies have been done to determine the value of homework, but overall, the results are mixed. Even studies that show a positive relationship between homework and test scores, among other things, show that homework is only effective when assigned in a moderate amount. Too much homework can be counter-productive or have adverse effects on students. Students with too much homework can perform worse on tests, and develop serious physical and mental health problems from too much stress or lack of sleep. Proponents of homework claim that homework reinforces learning and that in order to become a leader in education among all other countries, we have to assign homework, so students will better understand and grasp the concepts taught to them in school. However, as U.S. students get assigned more and more homework, the ranking of those students globally falls. This is a debate teacher’s and administrators have been discussing all over the country. Some educators and administrators feel that students should not be assigned homework, others feel that the homework should not be graded, and others feel that homework is necessary and should be graded. Administrators perceive there is a lack of support from home. Therefore, they think students should not be singled out for failure because of incomplete homework assignments. Although that it's not the only reason kids do not complete homework, it could be they simply do not know how to do the homework assigned, they are too busy with sports, extra circulars or family situations to do it, or that they have other homework to complete. They should not have this workload that they have every night because they also have to live their childhood. Life is too short to be staying up until 11:00 because of schoolwork. Homework is unhealthy for students and this much it is not academically beneficial for them. We all know the downfall of homework, the frustration and exhaustion, time loss, and decreasing interest in learning. No study has ever demonstrated any academic achievement linked to assigning homework. There is also no support to the fact that homework provides nonacademic benefits at any age. Here are a few examples, building character, promoting self-discipline, or teaching good work habits. All teachers who assign homework want to believe that the gain outweighs the pain. Although, there is no evidence of that and they must rely on faith. Hours of homework a night plus a full day of school can be just as much work as an adult at a full-time job. Students should enjoy their childhood, as short as it already is.

homework on the brain

