How Schools shape kids

Brooke Little
student lives
Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2019

Schools have a very big role in shaping students, they are going to be there the majority of their youth. So with that schools develop a lot of what a child learns, how they act and shapes them into who they are, and who they will become.

Kids are surrounded by all different kind of students at school, some their age, some older and younger. Also surrounded by so many different kinds of teachers, principals, and administrators that all have different standards and rankings. All these people too are different in their cultures, religions, beliefs. On top of that students are put into an environment where they will have to interact with all of these people on a daily basis. Of course, over time schools give students good social skills just from their day to day experiences. They will learn the appropriate way to interact with other peers and mentors without even needing a lesson on it. It's key for these students to learn this so they can have appropriate interacts with the people around them. It is needed to make friends and communicate with an adult. Most of the time these social skills are not traditionally taught like how reading and writing is but, over time it's just things that are picked up from the people around them. It can also be learned over time through things like being told to do something, being punished if they do or don't do something. Also, repetition of doing things they have learned that will eventually become something that comes to them naturally.

Different kind of environments can cause different kinds of learnings and different expectations for that student. For example, compare a student that went to a public school and student that was homeschooled. Both are going to have a noticeable difference to each other just because of the things they have learned and because both of those environments have a very drastic difference. It's not a bad thing to be schooled a certain way but things kids learn will be a little different because they experienced their school life differently. Another example is kids who go to boarding schools, which are usually for elite students and the school itself is somewhat excluded from the outside world so that will affect how that student behaves.

Teachers in the school can also affect a student. For example, teachers who may be very strict and hold their students to high standards, the students will react to that and behave a different way. Most likely with that teacher those students are going to at least try to meet their expectations and do their work to the best of their abilities. Versus a teacher who doesn't really care for their students and let that student do whatever they please, those kids aren't going to have the best work ethic and most likely be lazy.

How the way school and its curriculum now will eventually change the workplace. Schools adapting to modern technology is what is needed for the work world now because that is what is used in almost every job. There are even jobs out there that the whole focal point is just around technology. So by schools adapting to modern technology, it can help students learn more, and be skilled for their lives one day outside of school. Contrary to schools that don't incorporate as much technology which puts their students at a disadvantage for the future world because they didn't learn the essential things that are now common to know out of high school and common to know for a job.

Everyone has seen it, students, who try their best in school and others who slack it off. Students own self-ambition and if they push themselves can affect the kind of student they are and the kind of person they will be when they're older. If students work hard to do good in school to get good grades, try hard in their sports, and do extracurriculars, that student will most likely have a good work ethic compared to a kid who doesn't try and flunks every class. Between those kids, there is going to be a noticeable difference not only in the classroom but outside the classroom and possibly even in their future.

Every school people go to, they all have different atmospheres which causes a different experience for the students. The environment can have a big toll on kids, from being in schools with hundreds of kids in your class, or having maybe sixty. Where you're going to school too, the type of other kids that attend their can shape you. The people you are friends with and the kids your around every day will eventually make you be one way or another. A lot of people don't realize but the people you are around and the people you are friends with will rub off on you. So over time the things they do, the way they act, their interests will now be similar to yours. Over time it can affect an overall person.

Not only things that happen in the classroom help kids develop important skills but even outside in extracurriculars. Sports and things like choir and band and clubs. Doing these things teaches students to use teamwork and all work towards something they want. Whether its a win or first place, all those students are there trying to work towards the same goal. In doing this they will learn teamwork, effort, and hard work, and hopefully, they will also eventually get the goal they have worked towards.

In conclusion, no matter what school you go to, no matter what kind of people you are surrounded by, no matter what kind of student you are, school is going to shape you into the person you will be. Students do spend so much time at school that they are bound to pick up some things and learn from school in so many ways besides in the classrooms.

