Make Your Mark

Alexis Burke
student lives
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2019

“You cannot raise your children how your parents raised you, because they raised you for a world that no longer exists.” Children growing up in the twenty-first century are unlike any other generation and are going through experiences unlike anything else. Many times students will try to turn to an adult for help or there will be adults that want children to come to them for anything, however, due to how much life has changed they can’t relate.

Many students believe that there is nothing they can do, that they’re not mature enough or that they can just do it later. However, we’re not promised a tomorrow, why would you wait when you can make an impact now. No matter how big or small of an action, something is bigger and better than nothing. A wise man once said, “there’s always something that can be done.” No matter how big or how small the action is, it will make a difference. For example, if every person in the United States donated just one dollar, that would be a total of three-hundred twenty-seven million dollars. Just imagine what that money could be contributed to and how much of a difference that money would make, and all that one would have to do is donate a dollar.

The Next Generation

There is something substantial coming for this upcoming generation, they’re unlike any other generation. The determination and ambition that this generation has is amazing, when the time comes, a drastic change and positive impact will be made. There have already been numerous people from this generation that have made a difference. For example, the teenagers from Parkland whom have taken a stance for those who no longer can. These are not adults with decades of experience, these are children whom are an inspiration and role model for their peers, younger and older generations. One does not need years of experience, which is what (young) adolescents believe- that they can’t make a difference because they’re too young.

There are many young adults that are currently making a difference in the world to make it a better place and being an advocate for children and adults to admire and look up to. “I think these kids are so fearless these days,” he says. “They’re not scared to say a lot of things that are happening around them. I look up to that” (Bennett). These young adults are making their voices be heard, standing up for what they believe in. They also have such strong passion, are courageous, as well as ambitious, not giving up until they succeed. Also, these young adults are not going to coward away because of fear, they’re rising up out of the shadows to be seen.

It just takes one person to start a chain reaction

The power of kindness is so strong and can create such a drastic change, it’s amazing. There was a guy who was planning a shooting due to various different reasons, however, due to a simple act of kindness he didn’t. This simple act of kindness saved so many lives and the well-being of many people. By just being kind, considerate and spreading positivity you can make a difference and save lives. It may not make as substantial and instant difference, but it will still make a difference. The world would be an even better place if everyone was more positive and kind. We only have one earth and one life, therefore it should be spent positively and greatly.

The bigger picture

Last year I went to work with my parents on one of their projects. For this particular job my parents configured (put together) this mosaic wall where those attending the job we were working could have their picture taken and put their picture that is a stick on the assigned spot, also those who were posting on different social media platforms with the hashtag were put on the wall as well. I thought this had an impactful message that these people who have different stories and backgrounds all came together to make this image, really, without knowing. This job in particular was for pediatrics (the field that I am planning to pursue) I enjoyed observing all of these people with different backgrounds and stories coming together for one thing(), the children, our future.

You never know someone’s story and what they’re going through. Everyone has their luggage, like an invisible suitcase that everyone caries full of all their issues, memories, etc. that only they know of that is always with you, that no one else can see. This is why being kind and spreading positivity is important.

When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life

Some use the excuse of fear of failing which holds them back from accomplishing their goals and dreams that they have. This is an irrelevant excuse because you learn more from failure than from success. Failure teaches you many things such as problem solving and being aware of why something went wrong and how you can improve. However, good intentions must be present, there are signs of when someone is only doing something for attention and for all of the wrong reasons. Those with good intentions and ideas with the correct purpose are the ones who are most likely to stay committed and have success.

As Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Amazing things can come from difficult and terrible situations, one just has to find it, want it, and accomplish it. Those are the people whom succeed, the ones that take risks. When they discover something they don’t just sit back and watch, they go out into the world and make a difference. They grab ahold of what they see and something incredible occurs with a positive impact on the world. This doesn’t mean that they’re not afraid, don’t have fears and aren’t one-hundred percent sure of what the outcome will be, but that doesn’t mater. They have the determination and drive within them that they’re willing to risk it for the chance of a positive outcome. One last thing, be the change that you wish to see in the world.

