Heather Halverson
student lives
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2019


Private Schools vs. Public Schools

Choosing between a public or a private school for one’s education is important. The consequences influence one’s life forever. In the United States, it is the law for every child to be educated. However, the decision as to where to go for one’s education is up to each individual. There is debate as to which is the better option. For-profit private schools or one’s local public school. The decision is made regarding the individual student’s needs and capabilities, but if the opportunity is available, attending a private school is more beneficial. Private schools provide a better quality of education than public schools. Down below are statistics showing how kids at private schools show more knowledge in each subject. Each student also gets more attention because the classes are a lot smaller, for the reason of more one on one time with the teacher and for hopes of fewer distractions. Notable alumni and current students, specialized curriculum, as well as dedicated teachers and school pride make this possible. One of the most important things of any school is the people, both students, and faculty members, that are apart of it, and this is one of the leading factors in support of private schools. Students from any community can attend private, for-profit schools. These academies do not restrict students to a certain town or district like public schools. Because of this, students get to meet many new peers who they wouldn’t have met otherwise, and therefore see new perspectives. Many alumni who have graduated from various private schools went on to become successful. Successful and influential people often come from private schools. Private schools have a specialized curriculum. Private schools are selective so there’s a lot of school pride and dedicated teachers. Schooling effects what university a person applies for and goes to, and their career and hobbies. It has the power to make them the wealthiest or happiest person in the world. Private schools also have better and healthier school lunches, which sounds pretty good. Another difference is that private schools usually cost a lot of money, and you have to wear school uniforms every day.

