
Heather Halverson
student lives
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2019

The world is filled with a numerous amount of student-athletes that could somewhere down the road have a bright future. Being a student-athlete comes with a lot of adult-like responsibilities, high school years are when they are coming closer to being on their own. Playing the sport that you love or want to attend in your high school days are a privilege, not a right. By saying that, I am stating that grades come first before any event that you are trying to do at your high school. If a student can’t get it together and get it done in the classroom, they will not be eligible for that sport.

I honestly believe that what is known to me as the grades before play policy helps high school students out in the classroom tremendously. The fact that students know if their grades aren’t where they need to be, helps push students to work harder and keep their heads in the books, in my opinion. A lot of schools are starting to get very strict on suspending athletes for a certain amount of time or events for not having their grades where they need to be at their grade checkpoint. If the athlete really has a love for the sport they are attending they wouldn’t want to be in the position of getting suspended from the sport they like and get it done in the classroom.

It shouldn’t matter how good the athlete is, they shouldn’t be cut any slack for their fault on their school work. They should just be put on a lower team. The future for these students is far more important than a couple of touchdowns, a couple of baskets or even a couple of spikes and swings. It won’t matter what they did in that event in high school if their grade point average isn’t where it needs to be. No college will accept any student if their GPA isn’t where it needs to be at the end of their senior year. If a student is getting suspended for events in his high school years, what will convince a coach that the same thing won’t happen in college? Colleges don’t want to waste all their time on someone who will let them down in the near future.

An athlete should want to be known as an “all around” student-athlete, not just an athlete. An all-around athlete is someone who can get it done for their coach in their sport, plus get it done in the classroom for both their teacher and coach. If they screw up on grades, they are not only letting their coaching staff down but they're also letting down their fellow teammates. Nothing would hurt fans, teammates, and coaches more than a star player not being able to participate in an event for because of their academics in school. Who knows? Maybe the whole community will be let down not seeing u participate at an athletic sporting event next fall. Fluently written with conviction but there is not a full persuasive construct. Opposing arguments are never addressed. Great emotional voice.

If students are struggling to get their work done or need more time to do it, I am almost 100 percent positive their coach will work with them. Thirty minutes from practice after school will not hurt much to get help on school work. Thirty minutes from practice is way better than missing a couple of games or losing playing time. Students should seriously think about how important grades are in high school and how important they have to do with their future. High school athletics should not be a problem if students can get their school work done. If they can’t just suspend them for a certain time period and help them realize they need grades to play sports and succeed in life.

Hight school student-athletes need to make sure they pay attention in class and stay on top of their work. You should really consider playing school sports because they have plenty of benefits. Most extracurricular activities can greatly impact a student’s life in many ways if they choose to take advantage of them. Many students who are talented and are good at school choose not to go to college because they can’t afford it and school sports can help you out with that.

Getting involved in school sports can greatly impact students by keeping them involved. Being involved in something that you like will help you to stay out of trouble due to having less time to do the things that you shouldn’t be doing and help you keep your grades up. There will be a better chance of you going to college if you are involved, are good a team player, and have good sportsmanship.

Being good at a sport can greatly help you with college as well as having good grades. Scholarships are offered with the chance that you keep your grades up and play college sports. Not just anyone can play a sport to the greatest requirement other than having heart and talent is good grades. High school sports can help you keep your grades up if you are truly passionate about the sport.

Getting involved in extracurricular activities such as a sport can help you keep in school. Many students don’t like school but love sports. For many people, sports are the only reason to attend school. Being stuck in a class for 90 minutes with many students, you can quickly lose interest in all things school. On the soccer field, for example, you can prove to people that you are good. You can always show off your talent, but don’t make your self look bad.

Sports can improve your life if you allow them to. Being involved in a sport can impact your life as well as your self-esteem. There are many advantages to extracurricular activities. You can stay out of trouble, stay in school as well as bringing up your grades. Getting a scholarship for college can also be made a reality by playing sports. Being involved in sports can also help you to make new friends and important choices that may later affect one of the most important parts of your life; your future.

