The stress school has on students

Brooke Little
student lives
Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2019

Teens have busy lives, from work, spending time with family and friends, chores, sports and outside activities they participate in. All on top of that trying to have a social life and find time to do things they enjoy and have time for themselves. While they are doing this they are going to school daily trying to get good grades and having to do homework for their 7 classes, and study for the test to maintain their 4.0 they work so hard for. It can be a lot to handle especially for teens. This is an inside look in the feelings of what teens are juggling in their life.

Probably one of the most dreaded things about high school is the grades. Needing to get that A+ on your test to maintain a perfect overall grade so you parents don't ground you. Or needing to keep that 4.0 so you can have a possibility to get into the college you want. Grades are probably what makes high school so difficult.

The schedule school has students on, awful. Having to wake up early and be to school by 8, kids brains aren't really even awake by then. By about 10 o'clock is when kids can actually comprehend and have full leaning abilities.

Everyone has heard it before, or even have gone through it before, the struggles of homework. Having to already be at school for 8 or so hours, only to then have to go home and do homework, it the worst. Especially for the students who are wanting to take those advanced classes and be above curriculum, the homework alone is what makes those classes so hard.

Majority of students participate in some kind of sport, if not one but many, through schools and clubs. Depending on that sport it could be just a season long, or they could be playing that sport all year around. A lot of students at the begging of the season feel the stress of having to make the varsity team or top team which is a lot of pressure. Then when the season starts they have to deal with the pressure from coaches, parents, and peers to perform their best. Have to try to win every game to keep a good record. On top of this, they have to do all of this after their long day of school, after school off to practice they go. That even more stress students have to deal with not only school but now their sports too. Many teens take sports with heavy dedication and look to sports for their futures. They have to put hard work and lots of time to be where they want to be.

Not only do teenagers have to deal with school and sports some may even have to go to a job after school. For whatever reason, whether they need or want money these students have to find the time after school hours to work. With a job, those kids get even for responsibilities put on them. They now also have to deal with their job and all the stress that can bring.

Pretty sure all students have heard it, that they need to do good in highschool or they will accomplish nothing in life. Given the feeling that if they don't do good in high school and figure things out they will not be able to be successful. Students often feel like if they can't do high school they can't do anything and that's very discouraging. Especially when they feel like they are doing it alone and have no support from teachers or parents.

High school is a big part of your teenage life. Teens find out who you are, who your friends are, interests you have then also a big one of just figuring out your future and what you are going to be in life. They are only teenagers, still growing and still having developing brains. It's scary to think that stress from school can give students real mental and physical health problems. There are many reports of students getting health problems because of the overwhelming stress that they get from school.

Even though teens would rather avoid all these stressful things all together they can't because school is apart of life but there are things teens can to try to lessen their stress. Find a balance between your school life and personal life. School is important but it's not everything, make time for things you enjoy and that matter. Also getting enough sleep can help stress levels go down. Of course, some nights it may be harder going to bed earlier with sports and homework, but as much as possible go to bed earlier so you will feel more energized the next day to take on these tasks. Time managing will also help revel stress, by using time given try to get as much done as possible and stay focused. That can also tie in with planning ahead. With things like projects and tests don't wait last minute to study or began the project, start working on it before its needed to be done.

It's seriously important to remember in the end that it is just high school and not getting the best grade on a test, or forgetting to do a homework assignment won't be the end of the world. Try not to stress over everything because it will end up working out in the end, stress only causes more harm to the situation.

