Project 2

Student Name
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2020

This is the story of my project. In this first paragraph, I will write a short summary of my work to introduce this portfolio piece.

This is my final product

This is what I made as a result of my learning experience!

Include plenty of photos to illustrate your hard work!

Now let’s learn how I got here…

Guiding Question

This is the question I was trying to answer or address through my work. I might also call this section:

  • Hypothesis
  • Problem
  • Research Question
  • Project Prompt

Your teacher will likely have some suggestions about what to call this section!


Here, I’ll write about the things I did to answer my question or solve my problem. I can likely divide this section into multiple subsections:


How did I learn about my problem/prompt/question? What did I find out? Research can include things like interviewing people, doing field work, reading books or online articles, and conducting experiments.


What did I learn from my research? This is where I show how I organized and made sense of my learnings.


What did my learnings inspire me to create, build, write, etc.?

Feedback & Critique

How did I get feedback on my work? How did feedback influence the direction of my project?

Include photos of your project process to visually illustrate your journey!

Discussion/Reflections/Next Steps

What does my work mean? What did I learn about myself from this project? What else could I do with this work?



Student Name

This is a prototype for a school district publication that will eventually feature classroom projects for public engagement