6 Pros and Cons of Cars on Campus

Jane Hurst
Student Voices
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2018
Image Source: Tobi

You are attending college and you have many decisions to make. One of them is whether or not you will use a car. While a car can be a great help for students it can also be a hindrance. Here are 6 pros and cons about having a car on campus.



With a car on campus you can come and go as you please. You do not have to borrow your father or mother’s car to get around and you have no curfews. One important factor of attending college is learning how to be independent. Having your own car will grant you that independence. You can sleep in a bit more in the morning because you do not have to get to a bus stop or walk to class.

Going Places

Having your own car means you can travel around to places that may have been inaccessible before. Distance is not a problem when you have your own car. You can drive hours away and still be able to get back in time to sleep before going to class in the morning. You will not have to rely on anyone else’s time constraints. You can just pick up and leave and go to the nearest ski resort or bowling alley. There are many fun places to explore outside of campus and you can get there in your own car.


Having your own car on campus is convenient. You can get to your classes on time and go to lunch between classes off campus. The campus may be your home, but you can travel outside easily with your own car. If you chose to go out clubbing or go to a movie you have instant access to transportation. You do not have to rely on mass transportation or college buses to get you where you want to go.



Campus parking tends to be limited. “Sometimes a college will not allow freshman or sophomores to have their own cars on campus. If this is the case, you will have to find alternative off campus parking. This can be very costly,” says an expert from eCarsCash.


Even if your college allows undergrads to have cars on campus the cost of obtaining a parking permit can be steep. You will also have to maintain your vehicle, pay insurance, and pay for gas. These expenses will be on top of textbooks and housing.

Others need a ride

If you have a car on campus, you will be asked for rides. People will want you to take them to class, around town, out to dinner, and clubs. Your friends will come to rely on your for transport needs and you will end up having to change your oil more frequently and use more gas. If you refuse to tote your friends around town they may grow to resent you. This can lead to complications you do not need. Your main focus in college is to attend classes and study. If you are chaffering your friends all around town, that will eat into your study time, and possibly your sleep. You do not want your grade affected because of your car.

These are just some of the positive and negatives to consider when you are thinking about bringing your car to campus. While it may be a convenience for you at times it may also be a hindrance and cause your grades to suffer. Before you drive away to school, take time to consider what might happen with a car on campus.

