7 Ways to Earn Income in College

Jane Hurst
Student Voices
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2019
Source: Pexels

Nowadays with computers and online traffic there are more ways to earn money passively. Passive income is a way to earn money while not doing anything. Granted, you may have to do some things, but in the end the monthly income created by these suggestions is done passively. So if you want to earn money while studying in college, here are seven suggestions.

  1. Blog advertisements — Starting your own blog does not take up much time. You can take a day to create your blog site and start blogging the next day. A way to earn some income while you are not blogging is to have advertising on your blog. Advertising is a great way to earn passive income. Just write once a day or once a week and start seeing some income coming your way.
  2. Website Exclusive Content — If you have a website you can offer exclusive content at an extra price for your clients. The price does not have to be big, it is the number of people who sign up that matters. Exclusive content can be anything from photographs, pdf’s, poems, videos, and more. Find out what your clients want and then start charging them extra for it. Many entertainers and artists have gotten passive income from creating exclusive content. It is not just for the entertainment industry, though. If you have a website about investing you can add on information in an exclusive section that will benefit investors. A newspaper website often has exclusive content for their subscribers. Exclusive content can be used on almost any website and is a great way to up your passive income.
  3. High interest accounts — Most banks offer savings accounts. These accounts typically do not offer a high interest. Most of them top off around 1.9% or so. If you do your research you can find free higher interest savings accounts online. Take the time to look over the company that you are considering investing in. Many of these offers can up your interest rate by one or two percent. If you have money that you are just leaving in account it is worth looking into an account with a higher interest and no fees.
  4. Cryptocurrency — This is a great way to earn money while you are studying. You can invest in cryptocurrency. Check out the companies that offer cryptocurrency investments and be sure they are a reliable company. There are a few different companies that offer cryptocurrency investments. You should research cryptocurrency online to get an idea of how and where to invest your money. There are many different types of cryptocurrency and many different ways to invest. People have said cryptocurrency is the investment of the future. Do your research before investing. Check out company ratings and what people have to say about a company before you invest. Your investment should start earning within the first month of investing.
  5. Ads that are cost per click — Cost per click ads are a great investment for your website, blog, and other online presences. People click on the advertisement and you earn money. It may not seem like much, but the more people who click on the ad, the more money you make. Consider putting a few of these advertisements on your online spaces and you will be earning passive income quickly. The more traffic to your sites the more people will click on your ads and the more money you will earn.
  6. Sell a business — You can create a business online or in a building and sell it to the highest bidder once it is up and running for more than you initially invested. If you get a good business going and sell it you can have them pay you in monthly payments or all at once. If they pay you monthly that is income that is passively earned. You can use that money and invest it to earn while you are in college. That will be two simple ways to earn passive income.
  7. Foreign homes — Take some time and look up foreign realty. It is usually less expensive than realty in the United States and is worth the investment. If you can visit the area where you are interested in investing it would help you see what is available. You can also look up foreign investments online and take the time to research them. Investing in a foreign location that tourists love to visit can generate passive income that will bring you passive income monthly. When you are visiting look into the local real estate offices and find out people who can take care of your investment.

