7 Ways to Make Friends in College

Jane Hurst
Student Voices
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2019
Source: Pexels

When you first start college you may feel anxious and alone. This is common for most freshman. One way to combat the loneliness you are feeling is to make friends. Remember that all freshmen are feeling the same way. Making friends will help you alleviate your loneliness and stress. Getting together with people will help you find your friends. Friendships in college can last a lifetime. Here are seven ways to make friends in college.

  1. Classes — You will be attending classes with people for about five months. In those months you will get to know people and may find that the same people are in other classes you are attending. Getting to know people in your classes will help you find lasting friendships. As a bonus you can also create study groups with your new friends to help you all succeed academically.
  2. Theater — If your college holds try-outs for their theater productions consider trying out for a role. You will meet new people to hang out with and will probably make a few friends along the way. A bonus is having fun and maybe being bitten by the acting bug. Theater groups are tight knit and close as family. You will be spending a good amount of time with the cast and will get to know them very well. If you enjoy yourself you can even audition for future rolls. Even if you do not get cast in the production there is always backstage work you can help out with. You will have a supporting role in the theater family.
  3. Dorms — Most dorms will have dorm night activities designed to help you make friends on your floor and in your dorm. Participating in game nights and pizza parties will help you make new friends. Getting to know your roommate will also help you broaden your scope of potential friends. So get out of your room and join in the fun.
  4. Lunch — The school cafeteria is a great place to meet new people and make new friends. If someone from your class invites you to hang out at the cafeteria for lunch or dinner take them up on it. Socializing is a great way to meet new people and find new friends. Introduce yourself to new people and be brave. Most students welcome new people to their lunch table. And remember, the other freshmen are just as nervous as you are. Break the ice and organize a lunch meeting yourself with some classmates. The next time you get together tell them to bring another person. You will end up building a group of friends.
  5. Off campus — You can find many fun things to do off campus that will help you make new friends. Going to a coffee shop or the local mall will help you get to know the surrounding town or city better. Go to a concert or sign up for Bachata dance lessons. You will meet new people and get out of your dorm room. Getting to know your town will also help open doors in the future for internships and potential job offers. Wander around and get to know your college town.
  6. Student center — Students centers are designed to be gathering places for students. You can go there to eat, work out, study, or play pool. Most student centers have those and other activities available. Go to the center and strike up a conversation with people. You might find that you are invited to Tuesday pool night or a work out group. Sign up for work out classes that interest you and you may end up making friends with common interests.
  7. Before class — There is time before a class when people tend to relax and talk. Some people hang out in the hallway and some hang out in the classroom. Take advantage of this time to get to know your fellow classmates. This informal time is a great opportunity for meeting people and suggesting get togethers. You could end up with friends that you will be close to all throughout college.

