A fresh start

Mostafa Hamada
Student Voices
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2016

ELEVEN weeks into university and I am already starting to burn out. Phew. I was trying really hard not to start this off in a outrageously corny way; I think I succeeded. Ugh! Even that sounds corny.

(Is this even how you start a blog entry?)

Anyways, I can hardly imagine how quick that has been. Although it wasn’t the smoothest of beginnings, nevertheless I’ve made it through. OK. Now I am making it sound like I’ve accomplished an unheard-of feat. Well, for me it was close to that. Here, let’s take a dive into Spongebob’s Idiot Box. You’re a uni student, fresh out of two hard (and somewhat fun) years of IB, juggling around a part-time job at the local retail store, coaching at the soccer club, having a 30-min commute to uni each way, and the expectations of your average Middle Eastern parents. Life can get relatively stressful, but here’s my motto, when it’s bad, it can’t get bad-er.

Attending university for as a little as almost three months had a huge impact on my identity. Being exposed to new people (potentially life-long companions), new teaching styles, and the self-independency in my university career is something that I believe will postively shape my personality for the rest of this journey. I cannot wait to see what these next few years have in store for me.

Until next time…

Mostafa Hamada. November 16th, 2016.

