A Voyage Towards Glimmering Hope

Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2018

As we move along the cold, still water,
When life almost seems still,
Debris of ship floating everywhere,
The sea is surrounded by the aura of melancholy, the stinky smell.

When the dreadful day comes to an end,
When the Golden sunlight shimmer in the cold waters.

At that time when we look at the still sea water,
We see the reflection of ourselves, the past smiling at us,
We have two options,
Either to keep whining or to let it go.
As the sun sets behind the azure hill,
Remember tomorrow a new day,
Tomorrow the sun will glitter with all its brightness,
Tomorrow a day of hope,

The ship is life,
The captain is you,
The still water is your past,
So take control of your ship and steer your way through the darkness
towards a new life,
Smile at your past, let go of it.
Cruise your way through monotonous silence.
When life has become an apparent stillness,
Keep moving forward.

No one else can defeat you unless you feel defeated from inside,
So keep rowing towards new opportunities,
And life will bless you with beautiful blissful moments.

