Am I really ready to be an adult?

Josiah Ross
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2018


I’m all grown up.

Not literally. I’m 17, which means I have another year until I’m a legal adult, and 4 until I can legally drink.

But, from a kid’s perspective, I’m all grown up.

I’m going to be a grown-up, that sounds funny.

I’ve been a child for the entirety of my life, but now, I’m expected to be an adult.

That means no more asking for permission to do what I want.

That also means responsibility.

Now, I have to put food on my table and clothes on my back. Mommy and daddy have done that for long enough.

I’m now responsible for treating people with love and respect. Being rude has consequences in the “real world”.

I’m now responsible for following the law. If I break the law, I am no longer a juvenile in the eyes of a court.

I have to budget. Bills will come whether I have the money to pay them or not.

I can’t lose my important things. My wallet, keys, social security card, phone, etc need to be there when I need them.

Am I ready for this opportunity?


But also no.

How can I know how to be an adult when I’ve never been an adult?

My whole life has been practice for this moment. All the little life lessons have led to this. All the all-nighters pulled and projects procrastinated on have led to this. Every school year finished, every friendship made, everything has led to this moment.

I can’t know how to be an adult. But, by using everything I have learned up to this point my transition will be easier.

I don’t know if I’m ready to be an adult, but I’m not scared to find out.

