
Andres Ramirez
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2016

The bar was unusually empty for the night. He sat in his usual spot. He was a slave to consistency it would seem. It wasn’t long before a bartender spoke with him and kept him company. After all, he was a regular. The conversation was fairly straightforward: catching up, some small talk, and ultimately the question of what to drink.

Drinks here were always made well. Honestly, that was half the reason he even showed up to this bar in particular. Of all the bars he had been to, he enjoyed this one in particular. So much so, in fact, that only one person had even been to this place with him. It was a secret he wanted to keep to his closest friends. He enjoyed keeping the place a secret amongst his friends. He could be himself here. There was no history to be discussed in this bar.

Normally, he kept to himself. Tonight, a woman nearby provided company. They bonded over politics, a rarity in its own right, and found themselves laughing throughout the night.

“what brought you out here?” she ultimately asked.

“A vacation that convinced me this was the state for me.” His response earned him a nod of approval.

“I moved from Michigan for similar reasons!” Her excitement let him know that potential existed.

They spoke for a few hours. Although the topics kept changing at a blistering pace, the two were able to find a stride they could maintain as the night progressed. She was friends with the bartender, something that did not work out in his favor. Suddenly, last call was being sounded at the bar. How had he let time fly by him?

Staring at his new friend he knew why. He may never love her, but he knew she was special. A woman worthy of a man worth her time. He signed his check and walked outside with her. There was nothing there, but the company was a welcome change.



Andres Ramirez
Student Voices

Writer, photographer, and learner. Venezolano in Colorado getting a master's in higher education. #FSU alum, and Lambda.