Can Education change the world?

1 min readJan 22, 2016


My answer is YES. I look around at the world of today at politics, healthcare politicians and see many positive things. However I see that we live in a world that also needs a lot of improvement. I see wars, mass shootings, violence and destruction. It really makes me wonder how we can make changes. I don’t want to pretend that the world will ever be a perfect place but at the same time should we not attempt to teach the children how to communicate more productively. What are we showing the future generations with war? What will the world be like when the preschoolers of today enter adulthood? It makes me passionately believe that we should be focusing on social and emotional development more in children. Tests and scores are all well and good. But what is a degree without a person of integrity?




I am a professional Early Childhood Educator, Parent Coach and Post Partum Doula/Sleep trainer, writing about the changing needs of families.